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LMH1218 输出 12G-SDI 4K 视频失败问题描述:
显示器使用 SONY 和 BARCO 的 12G-SDI 输入做过测试
BARCO 显示器提示无信号
SONY 显示器提示“未知”,在某几次测试中反复出现瞬间消失的图像(有错位),同时显示器提示视频分辨率为 3840x2160
使用 xilinux zynq ultrascale+ 芯片 zu4 的 GT transceiver 输出 11.88Gbps 12G-SDI 的视频图像
图像格式为 3840x2160 60FPS YUV422 10bit 像素点
通过寄存器查看 GT transceiver 的工作状态正确,指示帧同步和行同步都符合 4K 视频标准,数据接口保持锁定
1218 通过 pin 脚和寄存器查看可以发现 CDR 锁定 11.88Gbps SMPTE 模式
LMH1218 fail to output 12G-SDI 4K Video:
BARCO and SONY medical displays are tested with both displays failed to display SDI video.
BARCO display prompted "no signal", and SONY display prompted "unknown".
In some rare occasions, SONY display prompted "3840x2160", which is the correct video resolution, and flashed out the distorted video image frame, then went back to "unknown" repeatedly. But after some SW reloading, SONY display went back to "unknown".
SW and HW design:
4K video source is GT transceiver of Xilinx Zynq ZU4, which is transmitting 11.88Gbps 12G-SDI video frames.
Video Format: 3840x2160 60FPS YUV422 10bit pixel.
According to GT status registers, the video transmitting is synchronized to 4K video standard timing, some like active size, sync width, front porch, back porch and so on.
At the same time, LMH1218 is working OK, CDR stays locked to 11.88Gbps SMPTE.