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DS90UB941AS-Q1: support suspend mode or not?

Part Number: DS90UB941AS-Q1

Suspend means that, IC is under low power consumption mode when input power rails are still on. And IC can wake up from suspend in a short time.

I have 5 questions for 941:

1.941 support suspend mode or not?

2.941’s power consumption under suspend mode

3.How long will 941 need to wake up from suspend mode and finish initialization?

4.How to enter suspend mode?

5.How to wake up from suspend mode?

  • Hello,  Suspend mode means low power mode。

    But as to DS90UB941, The LP transition is a standard part of the DSI  protocol like Figure8-1:

    The D-PHY receiver can be in High-Speed (HS) or Escape mode. During normal operation, a Data Lane will be in High-Speed mode. In Escape Mode, the D-PHY will be in a Low-Power (LP) State. 

    The sequence to enter Escape mode is: LP-11, LP-10, LP-00, LP-01, LP-00. As soon as the final Bridge state (LP-00) is observed, the Lane enters Escape Mode.


    I think you referred " low power" mode doesn't mean the DSI operation mode, what you mean is that when the data couldn't transmission, you need the DS90UB941 enter low power mode to reduce power dissipation, doesn't it? 

    In order to understanding your questions completely, we could discuss in Chinese.  

  • 你好,

    Suspend状态是指:IC在外部电源不断电的前提下,进入sleep mode,既能保证低功耗,又能在下次唤醒时缩短IC初始化的时间


    我们调研目的是希望车机在整车熄火后进入STRsuspend to Ram状态:在几天的时间内既能保证较低功耗,又能快速唤醒启动

    目前高通的soc在新的架构上为了解决冷启动时间长的问题,引入了一种深度休眠机制STRsuspend to Ram),在这种模式下,如果外设也支持suspend,那么整个车机在唤醒性能方面将会有大幅提升。

  • 您好,可以通过将PDB 引脚拉低,器件进入低功耗状态,但是有一个问题是,如果将PDB拉低的话,相当于对器件进行reset,所有的寄存器都将恢复为默认值了。

  • 如果将PDB拉低的话,相当于对器件进行reset,所有的寄存器都将恢复为默认值了。



  • 1. 不断电,将PDB拉低,供电电流最小,器件进入低功耗,但是此时的寄存器也将恢复到默认值,需要重新配置。

    2. 984和983这两款因为是NDA器件,我暂时没有这两款器件的datasheet。928也是有PDB引脚的,当PDB拉低时,PLL shutdown,供电电流Idd最小。同样寄存器恢复到默认值。