关于DP83849IF的上电复位问题,请TI 高手指教:使用MAX809(上电复位脉宽最小140ms)做整个电路的复位,感觉DP83849IF好像复位的不好,不能正常工作,用镊子做一下手工复位,DP83849IF就工作了,是复位时间短,没有配置上,还是别的什么原因?谢谢!
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你好,是的,datasheet 上page47有:The DP83849IF requires a single initialization sequence of 32 bits of preamble following
hardware/software reset. This requirement is generally met by the mandatory pull-up resistor on MDIO in
conjunction with a continuous MDC, or the management access made to determine whether Preamble
Suppression is supported.