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DS90UB9702-Q1EVM: 运行用例vx_app_single_cam.out保存出的图像,全是绿色(无数据)

Part Number: DS90UB9702-Q1EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB9702-Q1


从csi lane的数据信号来看是有数据的,但是dump出的图像数据是全绿色,


118.911389 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownContextSendCmd:822] Command ack message returned failure cmd_status: -1
118.911402 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownContextSendCmd:862] tivxEventWait() failed.
118.911410 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:584] Target kernel, TIVX_CMD_NODE_CREATE failed for node node_96
118.911416 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:585] Please be sure the target callbacks have been registered for this core
118.911423 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:586] If the target callbacks have been registered, please ensure no errors are occurring within the create callback of this kernel
118.911431 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownGraphNodeKernelInit:583] kernel init for node 1, kernel com.ti.display ... failed !!!
118.911446 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[vxVerifyGraph:2059] Node kernel init failed
118.911452 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[vxVerifyGraph:2113] Graph verify failed




root@j721s2-evm:/opt/vision_apps# ./vx_app_single_cam.out
APP: Init ... !!!
MEM: Init ... !!!
MEM: Initialized DMA HEAP (fd=5) !!!
MEM: Init ... Done !!!
IPC: Init ... !!!
IPC: Init ... Done !!!
REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!!
REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!!
105.856210 s: GTC Frequency = 200 MHz
APP: Init ... Done !!!
105.858450 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled
105.858482 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled
105.858489 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled
105.860992 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!!
105.863309 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxHostInitLocal:101] Initialization Done for HOST !!!

Single Camera Demo - (c) Texas Instruments 2019

./vx_app_single_cam.out --cfg <config file>

Defaulting to interactive mode
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command echo registered at location 0
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_read_2a_params registered at location 1
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_write_2a_params registered at location 2
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_raw_save registered at location 3
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_yuv_save registered at location 4
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_read_sensor_reg registered at location 5
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_write_sensor_reg registered at location 6
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command dev_ctrl registered at location 7
IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_send_dcc_file registered at location 8
NETWORK: Opened at IP Addr =, socket port=5000!!!
tivxImagingLoadKernels done
105.871389 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... !!!
[MCU2_0] 105.871492 s: fmm ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: cmd:0
[MCU2_0] 105.871517 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_ENUMERATE
[MCU2_0] 105.871545 s: fmm 2155 ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_ENUMERATE
[MCU2_0] 109.056703 s: Fusion2 Board Detected, using Fusion2 configuration
[MCU2_0] 109.056752 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:hubInstance:0, *chNum:5, *domain:0
[MCU2_0] 109.056787 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:i2cAddr:0x3d
[MCU2_0] 109.256538 s: write 0xfe to TCA6408 register 0x3
[MCU2_0] 109.256581 s: fmm 531 write tca6408I2CSlaveAddr:0x20, 0xfe to TCA6408 register 0x3
[MCU2_0] 109.256735 s: write 0xff to TCA6408 register 0x1
[MCU2_0] 109.456450 s: RE-SETTING FUSION2 DE-SER !!!!!!
[MCU2_0] 109.456489 s: fmm 1123 [IssSensor_DeserializerInit][1200]----pageSelectOrig:0x0, status:0
[MCU2_0] 109.456532 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:hubInstance:0, *chNum:5, *domain:0
[MCU2_0] 109.456564 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:i2cAddr:0x3d
[MCU2_0] 109.456583 s: UB960 config start
111.688674 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 0 : X3j10-UB953_KBD
111.688718 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 1 : UB96x_UYVY_TESTPATTERN
Select camera port index 0-11 : [MCU2_0] 111.688552 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:ffff : 0x0, cnt = 110
[MCU2_0] 111.688576 s: End of UB960 config

Invalid entry
. Please choose between 0 and 11
Select camera port index 0-11 : 0
2 registered sensor drivers
a : X3j10-UB953_KBD
Select a sensor above or press '0' to autodetect the sensor : Invalid selection
. Try again
2 registered sensor drivers
a : X3j10-UB953_KBD
Select a sensor above or press '0' to autodetect the sensor : a
Sensor selected : X3j10-UB953_KBD
LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : 0
Dual FCP enable for MV Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : Dual FCP enable for MV Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : 0
CAC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : CAC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) : 0
app_init done
Querying X3j10-UB953_KBD
118.253655 s: ISS: Querying sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD] ... !!!
118.253836 s: ISS: Querying sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD] ... Done !!!
YUV Input selected. VISS and AEWB nodes will be bypassed.
Sensor DCC is enabled
Sensor width = 1900
Sensor height = 1500
Sensor DCC ID = 960
Sensor Supported Features = 0x100
Sensor Enabled Features = 0x100
118.253869 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON ... !!!
118.254034 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG ... !!!
[MCU2_0] 118.253725 s: fmm ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: cmd:1
[MCU2_0] 118.253747 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_QUERY
[MCU2_0] 118.253770 s: Received Query for X3j10-UB953_KBD
[MCU2_0] 118.253911 s: fmm ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: cmd:2
[MCU2_0] 118.253933 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON
[MCU2_0] 118.253955 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON : channel_mask = 0x1
[MCU2_0] 118.253986 s: X3J10_PowerOn : chId = 0x0
[MCU2_0] 118.254074 s: fmm ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: cmd:3
[MCU2_0] 118.254095 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG
[MCU2_0] 118.254118 s: Application requested features = 0x100
[MCU2_0] 118.254139 s: Disabling broadcast mode
[MCU2_0] 118.254174 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:hubInstance:0, *chNum:5, *domain:0
[MCU2_0] 118.254208 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:i2cAddr:0x3d
[MCU2_0] 118.254226 s: UB960 config start
[MCU2_0] 118.254259 s: fmm 1653 UB960 config start ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, ub960InstanceId:0, gFusion2Det:1
[MCU2_0] 118.509576 s: End of UB960 config
[MCU2_0] 118.509592 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG channel_mask = 1
[MCU2_0] 118.509613 s: fmm X3J10_Probe
[MCU2_0] 118.509645 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:hubInstance:0, *chNum:5, *domain:0
[MCU2_0] 118.509678 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:i2cAddr:0x3d
[MCU2_0] 118.509841 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:hubInstance:0, *chNum:5, *domain:0
[MCU2_0] 118.509874 s: fmm Board_fpdUb9702GetI2CAddr:i2cAddr:0x3d
[MCU2_0] 118.509893 s: UB960 config start
[MCU2_0] 118.509925 s: fmm 1653 UB960 config start ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, ub960InstanceId:0, gFusion2Det:1
[MCU2_0] 118.510055 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:4c : 0x1, cnt = 0
[MCU2_0] 118.510553 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:65 : 0xe8, cnt = 1
[MCU2_0] 118.511552 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:5e : 0x6c, cnt = 2
[MCU2_0] 118.512552 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:66 : 0x80, cnt = 3
[MCU2_0] 118.513552 s: fmm Reg Write ok, ub960I2cAddr:0x3d, regAddr:ffff : 0x0, cnt = 4
[MCU2_0] 118.513576 s: End of UB960 config
118.898843 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD] ... Done !!!
Creating graph
Initializing params for capture node
capture_config = 0x0xffffae97ff50
Creating capture node
obj->capture_node = 0x0xffffae905ad0
Display Set Target done
vxSetGraphScheduleConfig done
[MCU2_0] 118.898742 s: End of UB953 config
[MCU2_0] 118.898760 s: X3J10 config script is NULL
[MCU2_0] 118.898776 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG returning status = 0
118.911389 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownContextSendCmd:822] Command ack message returned failure cmd_status: -1
118.911402 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownContextSendCmd:862] tivxEventWait() failed.
118.911410 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:584] Target kernel, TIVX_CMD_NODE_CREATE failed for node node_96
118.911416 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:585] Please be sure the target callbacks have been registered for this core
118.911423 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownNodeKernelInit:586] If the target callbacks have been registered, please ensure no errors are occurring within the create callback of this kernel
118.911431 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[ownGraphNodeKernelInit:583] kernel init for node 1, kernel com.ti.display ... failed !!!
118.911446 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[vxVerifyGraph:2059] Node kernel init failed
118.911452 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[vxVerifyGraph:2113] Graph verify failed
Scaler is disabled
app_create_graph exiting
app_create_graph done

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice:
Unsupported command

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice: 118.913201 s: ISS: Starting sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD] ... !!!
[MCU2_0] 118.911187 s: src/drv/disp/dss_dispApi.c @ Line 336:
[MCU2_0] 118.911222 s: Display Controller registration failed for DSS
[MCU2_0] 118.911265 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[tivxDisplayCreate:547] DISPLAY: ERROR: Display Create Failed!
[MCU2_0] 118.911613 s: ==========================================================
[MCU2_0] 118.911662 s: Capture Status: Instance|0
[MCU2_0] 118.911682 s: ==========================================================
[MCU2_0] 118.911710 s: overflowCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911730 s: spuriousUdmaIntrCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911752 s: frontFIFOOvflCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911772 s: crcCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911788 s: eccCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911808 s: correctedEccCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911828 s: dataIdErrorCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911848 s: invalidAccessCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911869 s: invalidSpCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911891 s: strmFIFOOvflCount[0]: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911913 s: strmFIFOOvflCount[1]: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.911933 s: Channel Num | Frame Queue Count | Frame De-queue Count | Frame Drop Count | Error Frame Count |
[MCU2_0] 118.911976 s: 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[MCU2_0] 118.912232 s: ==========================================================
[MCU2_0] 118.912276 s: Capture Status: Instance|1
[MCU2_0] 118.912296 s: ==========================================================
[MCU2_0] 118.912324 s: overflowCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912344 s: spuriousUdmaIntrCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912364 s: frontFIFOOvflCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912384 s: crcCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912400 s: eccCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912418 s: correctedEccCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912437 s: dataIdErrorCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912465 s: invalidAccessCount: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912486 s: invalidSpCount: 0
119.216648 s: ISS: Starting sensor [X3j10-UB953_KBD] ... Done !!!
[MCU2_0] 118.912507 s: strmFIFOOvflCount[0]: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912529 s: strmFIFOOvflCount[1]: 0
[MCU2_0] 118.912548 s: Channel Num | Frame Queue Count | Frame De-queue Count | Frame Drop Count | Error Frame Count |
[MCU2_0] 118.913311 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_STREAM_ON
[MCU2_0] 118.913337 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_STREAM_ON: channel_mask = 0x1, pSenHndl->sensorIntfPrms->sensorBroadcast:0
[MCU2_0] 118.913370 s: Disabling broadcast mode
get_dcc_dir_size : Could not open directory or directory is empty /opt/vision_apps/dcc/X3j10-UB953_KBD/wdr
[MCU2_0] 119.184716 s: UB960 config start
[MCU2_0] 119.216576 s: End of UB960 config

Unsupported command

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice: s

YUV file name /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0000.yuv
imgaddr_width = 1900
imgaddr_height = 1500
imgaddr_stride = 3808
width = 1900
height = 1500
Written 5700000 bytes
5700000 bytes written to /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0000.yuv

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice:
Unsupported command

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice: s

YUV file name /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0001.yuv
imgaddr_width = 1900
imgaddr_height = 1500
imgaddr_stride = 3808
width = 1900
height = 1500
Written 5700000 bytes
5700000 bytes written to /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0001.yuv

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice:
Unsupported command

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

e: Export performance statistics

u: Update DCC from File System

x: Exit

Enter Choice: s

YUV file name /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0002.yuv
imgaddr_width = 1900
imgaddr_height = 1500
imgaddr_stride = 3808
width = 1900
height = 1500
Written 5700000 bytes
5700000 bytes written to /opt/vision_apps/test_data/cap_0002.yuv

Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

p: Print performance statistics

s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。