我首先在I2C总线上写 S(起始信号) 1110110(设备ID+写指令) A(应答信号) 00100000(写入寄存器的值,即进行片选) A(应答) P(终止信号)
那我接下来写的数据就按第六通道所接的芯片的i2c数据格式要求去写?? 也就是接下来写的数据中的设备ID是这个芯片的ID?还是第6通道所接芯片的ID呀??
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我首先在I2C总线上写 S(起始信号) 1110110(设备ID+写指令) A(应答信号) 00100000(写入寄存器的值,即进行片选) A(应答) P(终止信号)
那我接下来写的数据就按第六通道所接的芯片的i2c数据格式要求去写?? 也就是接下来写的数据中的设备ID是这个芯片的ID?还是第6通道所接芯片的ID呀??
The TCA9548A has a standard bidirectional I 2C interface that is controlled by a master device in order to be configured or read the status of this device. Each slave on the I 2C bus has a specific device address to differentiate between other slave devices that are on the same I 2C bus. Many slave devices require configuration upon startup to set the behavior of the device. This is typically done when the master accesses internal register maps of the slave, which have unique register addresses. A device can have one or multiple registers where data is stored, written, or read. The physical I 2C interface consists of the serial clock (SCL) and serial data (SDA) lines. Both SDA and SCL lines must be connected to VCC through a pull-up resistor. The size of the pull-up resistor is determined by the amount of capacitance on the I 2C lines. (For further details, see the I 2C Pull-up Resistor Calculation application report. Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is idle. A bus is considered idle if both SDA and SCL lines are high after a STOP condition (See Figure 7 and Figure 8). The following is the general procedure for a master to access a slave device: 1. If a master wants to send data to a slave: – Master-transmitter sends a START condition and addresses the slave-receiver. – Master-transmitter sends data to slave-receiver. – Master-transmitter terminates the transfer with a STOP condition. 2. If a master wants to receive or read data from a slave: – Master-receiver sends a START condition and addresses the slave-transmitter. – Master-receiver sends the requested register to read to slave-transmitter. – Master-receiver receives data from the slave-transmitter.
您好,就是我的I2C第一次写时用 TCA9548A的ID,后面跟8bit数据用来选择通道。 然后下次写就直接用 与该通道相连的I2C从设备 的ID,后面跟他的寄存器地址和写入的数据是吧??这两次写之间不需要什么操作了吧???当然每次写都按照I2C协议的要求。
但是我实际这么去写,发现 第一次写(也就是选通道那次) 没问题,TCA9548A也给出了正确的应答信号 。 然后我按I2C协议的要求第二次去写,写完 与该通道相连的I2C从设备 的ID 后收不到应答信号??