主题中讨论的其他器件: TMP468
我们将对项目使用 petalinux 2020.2和内核版本5.4。 我们尝试集成了 tmp468和 ina226的 hwmon 驱动程序模块。 但是、在目录中/sys/class/hwmon/
、仅列出了 tmp468。 Ina226正被列为目录下的 IIO 器件 /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0041/iio:device1/. For ina226, we had included the hwmon driver for ina2xx, and have listed in the dtsi file also. Attaching the screenshots for reference. For our project, we have a requirement to list both the modules as hwmon.So hoping to get support to list both the modules as hwmon.