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[参考译文] 连接到目标时出错:(错误-1170 @0x0)

Guru**** 1810440 points




我在通过 AM64x EVM 板(绿色电路板)上的 XDS110 USB 调试端口加载程序时遇到问题。


[Start: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0]

Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -S integrity


-----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------


-----[Print the reset-command software log-file]-----------------------------

This utility has selected a 100/110/510 class product.
This utility will load the adapter 'jioxds110.dll'.
The library build date was 'Jun  2 2023'.
The library build time was '12:47:07'.
The library package version is ''.
The library component version is ''.
The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.
The controller has a version number of '5' (0x00000005).
The controller has an insertion length of '0' (0x00000000).
This utility will attempt to reset the controller.
This utility has successfully reset the controller.

-----[Print the reset-command hardware log-file]-----------------------------

The scan-path will be reset by toggling the JTAG TRST signal.
The controller is the XDS110 with USB interface.
The link from controller to target is direct (without cable).
The software is configured for XDS110 features.
The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[0] pin.
The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[1] pin.
The controller cannot control the timing on output pins.
The controller cannot control the timing on input pins.
The scan-path link-delay has been set to exactly '0' (0x0000).

-----[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG IR]------------------------

This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
This test will be applied just once.

Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x00000000.
Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 0
All of the values were scanned correctly.

The JTAG IR Integrity scan-test has succeeded.

-----[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG DR]------------------------

This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
This test will be applied just once.

Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x00000000.
Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 0
All of the values were scanned correctly.

The JTAG DR Integrity scan-test has succeeded.

[End: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0]




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    尊敬的 Shraddha:


    连接测试没有错误、因此您的 JTAG 硬件看起来可以正常工作。 您能否共享其余配置(目标配置)和 CCS 版本号。 有了以上的数据,我看不到一个帮助的方法。


  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    将引导模式更改为 OSPI 后、错误已解决。  

    但一旦我尝试连接到 R5内核、它就会显示 DDR 未与 R5一同使用、如下所示

     接下来、我尝试进行 DDR 初始化、但它陷入了"等待第一个频率更改请求"的困境




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    尊敬的 Shradda:

    我刚刚被告知我仍然被分配到这个主题,虽然我不是正确的专家。 此问题是否仍然存在? 那么我可以相应地分配。 但我想首先检查这是否仍然需要或者是否有新状态。 感谢您的简短更新。
