我正在使用命令行中的 UniFlash dslite 来刷写我的 Launchpad… 这里一切都很好…
但是、有时我会使用 UniFlash GUI 手动擦除整个闪存...
这通常是一个新购买的 Launchpad 的状态。。
当我从命令行运行 dslite 时、收到一个错误、建议我需要批量擦除 CCS 中的闪存:
> "C:\Users\biosb\em-sdk\tools\ti-uniflash\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\DSLite" flash -c ti.cc23xx/ti.distro.cc23xx/CC2340R5.ccxml -b Erase .out/main.out For more details and examples, please visit software-dl.ti.com/.../latest_qsguide.html info: Cortex_M0P: Flash loader: CC23xx_FLASH_LIBRARY_VERSION info: Cortex_M0P: Debugging is not allowed. If this is not expected, check your CCFG. info: Cortex_M0P: If you are experiencing issues with loading your application, do the following (this will erase the chip): info: Cortex_M0P: - Code Composer Studio: info: Cortex_M0P: - End the current debug session (if any is active). info: Cortex_M0P: - View -> Target Configurations -> Right click on .ccxml file for your project -> Launch Selected Configuration. info: Cortex_M0P: - Right click on the 'Debug Probe/Cortex_M0P' and select 'Show all cores'. info: Cortex_M0P: - Select the 'Debug Probe/CS_DAP0' item after expanding the 'Non Debuggable Devices' item. info: Cortex_M0P: - Scripts -> CC23xx -> ChipErase to start Chip erase. info: Cortex_M0P: - You should now be able to load your application to the target.
但我可以通过 UniFlash GUI 加载程序、我已在其中选择以下设置:
有人可以告诉我 dslite 的等效命令行选项...以前的命令输出报告了我当前传递给 dslite 的选项...