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[参考译文] DS16EV5110A:HSpice 模型语法错误

Guru**** 1818760 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS16EV5110A




我刚尝试运行下面链接中提供的 hspice 模型:

DS16EV5110A:客户需要 IBIS (或某些仿真)模型-接口论坛-接口- TI E2E 支持论坛

我可以使用更新的 SPICE 模型(或任何其他交流支持的模型)来运行频域仿真吗?



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    尊敬的 Edu:

    遗憾的是、我们没有针对该器件的更新 SPICE 模型。

    我在该型号的自述文件中看到它需要一个"hspice3des"许可证令牌。  您是否启用了此令牌?

    如果在启用之后遇到同样的问题、我想知道您是否可以尝试使用旧版本的 h-spice、或者或许可以联系 Synopsys 寻求帮助。

    DS16EV5110A 自述文件:

    Readme to use Triple DES Encrypted HSPICE model file
    It is highly recommended to use HSPICE version 2006.03-SP1 or later for running simulations.  In addition, HSPICE requires an "hspice3des" license token.  It can be obtained from Synopsys at NO cost to user.
    The HSPICE Model of DS16EV5110 is encrypted using "metaencrypt" utility from 2006.03-SP1 version of HSPICE. The encryption option of  "192 BIT Random Key Triple DES Encryption" was used. With this encryption option, users do not need any additional keys.  The encrypted file can be used in simulations just like any other macro model file.
    Due to export compliance regulations in the US, Synopsys does not enable the "3DES" option in HSPICE by default.  Furthermore, an "hspice3des" license may be required.   There is usually no cost to upgrade to the recent version or to obtain the "hspice3des" license.  The license can be obtained by contacting Synopsys directly.  
    Note: Customers need to meet export compliance guidelines to use HSPICE3DES. Please check with your Synopsys sales representative.
    If the customer is using HSPICE 2005.03 or 2005.09 versions, then they need to have HSPICE with 3DES binaries.  These binary files are different from the regular HSPICE binary files due to export compliance regulations.   Again, an "hspice3des" license may be required.   There is no cost to the user to obtain the required binary or the license.
    Note:  Files encrypted with this Triple DES algorithm cannot be read by previous releases of HSPICE.
    How to obtain hspice3des license token from Synopsys
    The token can be obtained from the regional Synopsys account managers.  The triple DES license needs to be added to the PO, however, it is a zero cost item. The part number is 4279. This process is supposed to take up to 3 days, typically faster. A temporary key can be requested at the same time when the formal key is requested. The temporary key can be generated quickly and is approved by Synopsys sales department. Please contact Synopsys sales support specialist for the temporary key.


  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    非常感谢您的及时回复。 我检查了 hspice3des 并确保它已启用。 错误消息显示内容可以解密、但出现了语法错误、因此我不知道是否可以在加密前仔细检查 SPICE 文件第1行第19列的有效性。 我还要联系 Synopsys 来验证许可证问题。



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    尊敬的 Edu:

    感谢您检查  hspice3des。  由于此器件使用年限、查找原始 SPICE 文件可能具有挑战性。  我会与一些团队伙伴进行确认、看看我们是否有任何问题。

