器件型号:TRF7970A 工具与软件:
您知道如何通过 MATLAB 与 TRF7970AEVM 通信吗? 我知道我应该发送什么命令、但芯片完全没有响应。
clear all; clc; ports = serialportlist; % Set up serial communication (assuming UART interface) s = serialport(ports, 115200, "Timeout", 3); % Modify COM port as needed % Function to send command to TRF7970A and read the response function response = sendCommand(s, cmd) write(s, cmd,"uint8"); pause(0.1); % Small delay to allow processing time response = read(s, 32, "uint8"); % Adjust read length as needed end % 1. Send a simple command to test the response % Example: Send a command to read a TRF7970A register simpleCmd = [0x01 0x08 0x00 0x03 0x04 0xFF 0x00 0x00]; % Example: Idle command response = sendCommand(s, simpleCmd); % Display the response for debugging disp('Simple command response:'); disp(response);