我使用 AFE7900EVM 的中继器模式、以800MHz 输入单信号到 RXA、成功运行代码、但在 TXA 输出端未接收到任何信号(仅噪声)、
1,我运行安装和 devlnit
2.运行代码清理(与 AFE79XX EVM 模式5几乎相同)
''' setupParams.skipFpga = 1 sysParams = AFE.systemParams sysParams.externalClockTx = False sysParams.externalClockRx = False setupParams.fpgaRefClk = 245.76 AFE.systemStatus.loadTrims = 1 sysParams.FRef = 491.52 sysParams.FadcRx = 1474.56 sysParams.FadcFb = 1474.56 sysParams.Fdac = 1474.56*3 sysParams.enableDacInterleavedMode = False #DAC interleave mode to save power consumption. Fs/2 - Fin spur occurs sysParams.modeTdd = 0 # 0- Single TDD Pin for all Channels # 1- Separate Control for 2T/2R/1F # 2- Separate Control for 1T/1R/1F enableAdcDacSync = True sysParams.topLevelSystemMode = 'StaticTDDMode' sysParams.RRFMode = 0 #4T4R2F FDD mode sysParams.jesdSystemMode = [1,1] #SystemMode 0: 2R1F-FDD ; rx1-rx2-fb-fb #SystemMode 1: 1R1F-FDD ; rx1-rx1-fb-fb #SystemMode 2: 2R-FDD ; rx1-rx1-rx2-rx2 #SystemMode 3: 1R ; rx1-rx1-rx1-rx1 #SystemMode 4: 1F ; fb-fb-fb-fb #SystemMode 5: 1R1F-TDD ; rx1/fb-rx1/fb-rx1/fb-rx1/fb #SystemMode 8: 1R1F-TDD 1R-FDD (FB-2Lanes)(RX1 RX2 interchanged) ; rx2/fb-rx2/fb-rx1-rx1 sysParams.jesdLoopbackEn = 1 #Make it 1 to Enable the JESDTX to JESDRX internal loopback sysParams.LMFSHdRx = ['24410', '24410', '24410', '24410'] #14810 # The 2nd and 4th are valid only for jesdSystemMode values in (2,6,7,8). For other modes, select 4 converter modes for 1st and 3rd. sysParams.LMFSHdFb = ["24410","24410"] sysParams.LMFSHdTx = ["24410","24410","24410","24410"] sysParams.jesdTxProtocol = [0,0] sysParams.jesdRxProtocol = [0,0] sysParams.serdesFirmware = True # If you want to lead any firmware, please speify the path here. Otherwise it will not write any firmware sysParams.jesdTxLaneMux = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] # Enter which lanes you want in each location. # Note that across 2T Mux is not possible in 0.5. # For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2T, this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]] sysParams.jesdRxLaneMux = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] # Enter which lanes you want in each location. [0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7]. # Note that across 2R Mux is not possible in 0.5. # For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2R, this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]] sysParams.jesdRxRbd = [4, 4] sysParams.rxJesdTxScr = [False,False,False,False] sysParams.fbJesdTxScr = [False,False] sysParams.jesdRxScr = [False,False,False,False] sysParams.rxJesdTxK = [16,16,16,16] sysParams.fbJesdTxK = [16,16] sysParams.jesdRxK = [16,16,16,16] sysParams.ncoFreqMode = "1KHz" sysParams.txNco0 = [[797,797], #Band0, Band1 for TxA for NCO0[1747,2600],[2047,2600] [797,797], #Band0, Band1 for TxB for NCO0 [797,797], #Band0, Band1 for TxC for NCO0 [797,797] ] #Band0, Band1 for TxD for NCO0 sysParams.rxNco0 = [[797,797], #Band0, Band1 for RxA for NCO0 [797,797], #Band0, Band1 for RxB for NCO0 [797,797], #Band0, Band1 for RxC for NCO0 [797,797] ] #Band0, Band1 for RxD for NCO0 sysParams.fbNco0 = [797,797] #FBA, FBC for NCO0 sysParams.fbNco1 = [797,797] #FBA, FBC for NCO1 sysParams.fbNco2 = [797,797] #FBA, FBC for NCO2 sysParams.fbNco3 = [797,797] #FBA, FBC for NCO3 sysParams.numBandsRx = [0]*4 # 0 for single, 1 for dual sysParams.numBandsFb = [0,0] sysParams.numBandsTx = [0,0,0,0] sysParams.ddcFactorRx = [6,6,6,6] sysParams.ddcFactorFb = [6,6] sysParams.ducFactorTx = [18,18,18,18] AFE.systemStatus.loadTrims =1 ## The following parameters sets up the register and macro dumps logDumpInst.setFileName(ASTERIX_DIR+DEVICES_DIR+r"\Afe79xxPg1.txt") logDumpInst.logFormat = 0x0f logDumpInst.rewriteFile = 1 logDumpInst.rewriteFileFormat4 = 1 device.optimizeWrites = 0 device.rawWriteLogEn = 1 ## The following parameters sets up the LMK04828 clocking schemes lmkParams.pllEn = True#False lmkParams.inputClk = 1474.56#737.28 lmkParams.sysrefFreq = 3.84 lmkParams.lmkFrefClk = True ## The following parameters sets up the SYNCIN and SYNCOUT to interface with the TSW14J57 sysParams.jesdABLvdsSync = 1 sysParams.jesdCDLvdsSync = 1 sysParams.rxJesdTxSyncMux = [0,0,0,0] sysParams.fbJesdTxSyncMux = [1,1] sysParams.jesdRxSyncMux = [0,0,0,0] #[0,0,1,1] sysParams.syncLoopBack = False # ## The following parameters sets up the AGC # sysParams.agcParams[0].agcMode = 1 ##internal AGC # sysParams.agcParams[0].gpioRstEnable = 0 ##disable GPIO based reset to AGC detector # sysParams.agcParams[0].atken = [0, 1, 0] ##enable big and small step attack # sysParams.agcParams[0].decayen = [0,1,0] ##enable big and small step decay # sysParams.agcParams[0].atksize = [2,1,0] ## bigs step = 2dB, small step = 1dB # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaysize = [2,1,0] ##big step = 2dB, small step = 1dB # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkthreshold = [-1, -2, -14] ##attack threshold # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaythreshold = [-14, -6, -20] ##decay threshold # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkwinlength = [170, 170] ## detector time constant expressed inn absolute time in ns. # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaywinlength = 87380 ##detector time constant expressed in absolute time in ns. All detectors use the same value for decay time constant # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkNumHitsAbs = [8,8] ##absolute number of times signal crosses threshold. These crossing are with respect to the FADC/8 clock # sysParams.agcParams[0].decayNumHitsAbs = [100,100] ##absolute number of times signal crosses threshold. These crossing are with respect to the FADC/8 clock # sysParams.agcParams[0].minDsaAttn = 0 ##minimum DSA attenuation used by AGC # sysParams.agcParams[0].maxDsaAttn = 22 ##maximum DSA attenuation used by AGC # sysParams.agcParams[0].totalGainRange = 22 ##total gain range used by ALC for gain compensation # sysParams.agcParams[0].minAttnAlc = 0 ##minimum attenuation used by ALC for compensation when useMinAttnAgc = 0 # sysParams.agcParams[0].useMinAttnAgc = 1 ##enable ALC to use minimum attenuation from AGC for which compensation is required. # sysParams.agcParams[0].alcEn = 1 # sysParams.agcParams[0].alcMode = 0 ##floating point DGC # sysParams.agcParams[0].fltPtMode = 0 ##if exponent > 0, dont send MSB # sysParams.agcParams[0].fltPtFmt = 1 ##3 bit exponent ## The following parameters sets up the GPIOs sysParams.gpioMapping={ 'H8': 'ADC_SYNC0', 'H7': 'ADC_SYNC1', 'N8': 'ADC_SYNC2', 'N7': 'ADC_SYNC3', 'H9': 'DAC_SYNC0', 'G9': 'DAC_SYNC1', 'N9': 'DAC_SYNC2', 'P9': 'DAC_SYNC3', 'P14': 'GLOBAL_PDN', 'K14': 'FBABTDD', 'R6': 'FBCDTDD', 'H15': ['TXATDD','TXBTDD'], 'V5': ['TXCTDD','TXDTDD'], 'E7': ['RXATDD','RXBTDD'], 'R15': ['RXCTDD','RXDTDD']} ## Initiates LMK04828 and AFE79xx Bring-up setupParams.skipLmk = False AFE.deviceBringup() AFE.TOP.overrideTdd(15,3,15) #AFE.adcDacSync() #AFE.LMK.lmkSysrefEn(1) #AFE.LMK.lmkSysrefEn(0) #AFE.JESD.SUBCHIP.toggleSync()
#====== #Executing .. AFE79xx/bringup/AFE79xx_EVM_Mode5.py #Start Time 2023-04-18 16:26:35.280000 The External Sysref Frequency should be an integer factor of: 3.84MHz 2T2R1F Number: 0 Valid Configuration: True laneRateRx: 9830.4 laneRateFb: 9830.4 laneRateTx: 9830.4 2T2R1F Number: 1 Valid Configuration: True laneRateRx: 9830.4 laneRateFb: 9830.4 laneRateTx: 9830.4 Device Initialization for ChipVersion: 2.0 LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset. LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset. REFCLOCK is used from LMK source, ensure board connections are ok to do the same DONOT_OPEN_Atharv_FULL - Device registers reset. chipType: 0xa chipId: 0x78 chipVersion: 0x20 SPIA has got control of PLL pages PLL Pages SPI control relinquished. Fuse farm load autoload done successful No autload error Fuse farm load autoload done successful No autload error SPIA has got control of PLL pages PLL Locked PLL Pages SPI control relinquished. SPIA has got control of PLL pages PLL Pages SPI control relinquished. SPIA has got control of PLL pages PLL Pages SPI control relinquished. SPIA has got control of PLL pages PLL Pages SPI control relinquished. Sysref Read as expected ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status########### CS State TX0: 0b00001010 . It is expected to be 0b00001010 FS State TX0: 0b00000101 . It is expected to be 0b00000101 Could get the link up for device RX: 0 ################################### ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status########### CS State TX0: 0b00001010 . It is expected to be 0b00001010 FS State TX0: 0b00000101 . It is expected to be 0b00000101 Could get the link up for device RX: 1 ################################### #Done executing .. AFE79xx/bringup/AFE79xx_EVM_Mode5.py #End Time 2023-04-18 16:28:14.793000 #Execution Time = 99.5130000114 s #================ ERRORS:0, WARNINGS:1 ================#