我需要使用 CC1120在可变数据包长度模式下发送大于128字节的数据包。
我已按如下方式设置 GPIO:
- GPIO0配置为 GPIO0_CFG = 0x00。 上升沿中断设置标志"RxFifoThresholdExced"
- GPIO2设置为 GPIO2_CFG = 0x06。 下降沿中断设置标志"RxTxEndOfPacket"
下面的代码适用于低于#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_SIZE (设置为120)的数据包长度
我无法解决的问题是 CC1120 GPIO0线路上偶尔会出现毛刺脉冲。
下图显示了这些问题。 毛刺脉冲信号直接在 GPIO0输出上获取。
CC1120上的不同 GPIO 输出是否存在任何限制?
下面:红色低电平表示远程 Tx 正在发送
这是 GPIO0低脉冲的特写
/********************************************************************************************** * Function: CC1120_ReceiveData * Purpose: Receive a packet of FSK data. Manage FIFO to ensure no overflow occurs. * Max Packet size is 255 bytes (less 2 if PKT_CFG1.APPEND_STATUS enabled) * Return: 0 for timeout or no invalid CRC etc. * 1..255 indicating packet size //Setup GPIOx for rising edge interrupt on RXFIFO_THR. **********************************************************************************************/ u8 CC1120_ReceiveData(u8 *pData) { u8 * pBuffer = pData; u8 length = 0; u8 BytesRemaining =0; u32 startTime = HAL_GetTick(); // Get the current system tick RxRssi = 0; RxLqi =0; RxCrcOK = 0; CC1120_Strobe(CC1120_SIDLE); // Reset RxFIFO IFF overflow, underflow if (CC1120_ReadRegister(MODEM_STATUS1) & (MOD_S1_RXFIFO_OVERFLOW | MOD_S1_RXFIFO_UNDERFLOW )) { CC1120_Strobe(CC1120_SIDLE); // Must be in idle state CC1120_Strobe(CC1120_CMD_SFRX); // Flush RX FIFO. Places CC1120 into IDLE mode CC1120_Initialise(); // Reinit device Println("RxFIFO flushed", RED); RxFifoThresholdExceeded = FALSE; RxTxEndOfPacket = FALSE; } CC1120_ReadRegister(NUM_RXBYTES); // ****** "NUM_RXBYTES or RX_LAST should be read before strobing SRX" ******* CC1120_Strobe(CC1120_CMD_SRX); // Put into RX mode while(1) // Now receive the data { // Case 1: FIFO threshold is exceeded (set by rising edge on GPIO0. GPIO0_CFG = 0) if (RxFifoThresholdExceeded ) // Flag set by RISING edge from CC1120 GPIO1 - Set as GPIO0_CFG = 0 { RxFifoThresholdExceeded = FALSE; // If the length byte hasn't been received yet, read the packet length if (!length) { length = CC1120_ReadRegister(CC1120_FIFO); // Read packet length (Fist byte in packet) BytesRemaining = length; // length byte doesn't include the first byte in VPM } CC1120_ReadBurst(CC1120_FIFO, pData, RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_SIZE); // Read the RxFIFO contents BytesRemaining -= RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_SIZE; pData += RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_SIZE; } // Case 2: End of packet detected (set by falling edge on GPIO2 - Set as GPIO2_CFG = 6) else if (RxTxEndOfPacket) { RxTxEndOfPacket = FALSE; if (!length) // Extract length.. DON'T include with data { length = CC1120_ReadRegister(CC1120_FIFO); // Read packet length from FIFO BytesRemaining = length; // length byte doesn't include the first byte in VPM } // Process data from the two status bytes appended to the data RxRssi =CC1120_ReadRegister(CC1120_FIFO); // Read remaining contents RxLqi =CC1120_ReadRegister(CC1120_FIFO); // Read remaining contents RxCrcOK = RxLqi & 0x80; RxLqi &= 0x7F; // Keep 7 LSbits if (!RxCrcOK) // MSBit is CRC length =0; // Indicates a bad CRC == packet no good break; // We're done! } if ((HAL_GetTick() - startTime) >= CC1120_RX_TIMEOUT_1S) { length = 0; // Timeout break; } } while(1); return length; }