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technical reference guide我是一字不落,看好几遍。
首先这两个寄存器GRABSECTR GRABRAMR不配置的话,4个CSMKEY即便是LOCK也没有用,按照手册上说的,这两个寄存器配置如下。
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Halting Target CPU: (Error -1156 @ 0x0) Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode? Choose 'Yes' to force the device to wake up and retry the operation. Choose 'No' to retry the operation without waking the device. (Emulation package 6.0.628.1) C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -2134 @ 0x0) Unable to control device execution state. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package 6.0.628.1) C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -1135 @ 0x0) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 6.0.628.1) C28xx_CPU1: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts C28xx_CPU1: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging C28xx_CPU1: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): Could not write 0x0005F412@Data: target is not connected at *((int *) 0x5F412)=0x000F [f28377d_cpu1.gel:80] at OnTargetConnect()
既然GRABSECTR GRABRAMR寄存器各位烧写0x01不行,干脆都烧成0x00。继续换板子,两个寄存器都烧写0x00000000。还是连不上仿真器。
既然GRAB寄存器搞不定,我测试EXEONLYSECT EXEONLYRAM 这两个寄存器。继续换板子,两个寄存器都烧写0x00000000。烧写后程序不运行。观察板卡功耗,和没有烧写程序的功耗一样。认为是没有BOOT成功或者INIT_FLASH未成功。BOOTMODE两个引脚均上拉,寄存器默认配置。FLASHBOOT无误。
查手册有提示。 Execute-Only Protection To achieve a higher level of security on secure Flash sectors and RAM blocks that store critical user code (instruction opcodes), the Execute-Only protection feature is provided. When the Execute-Only protection is turned on for any secure Flash sector or RAM block, data reads to that Flash sectors are disallowed from any code (even from secure code). Execute-only protection for a Flash sector and RAM block can be turned on by configuring the bit field associated for that particular sector/RAM block in the zone's (which has ownership of that sector/RAM block) EXEONLYSECT and EXEONLYRAM register, respectively
3.27.1 Safe Copy Code Functions (Z1 and Z2) To allow code copy from a secure, EXEONLY flash sector to a secure, EXEONLY RAM belonging to the same zone, dedicated TI-provided code copy functions, which are programmed in secure ROM, should be used. These functions are denoted as SafeCopyCodeZ1() (for zone1) and SafeCopyCodeZ2() (for zone2) and are supported by hardware to allow users to copy the data from secure, EXEONLY flash sectors, to secure, EXEONLY RAM without compromising security. The application must ensure that the interrupts are disabled before calling the SafeCopyCodeZx() functions. The device will reset if an interrupt or NMI vector is fetched during execution of these functions. The following is an example of how the copy function is used: STEC INTM Status = SafeCopyCodeZx(size,(Uint16 *)dest, (Uint16 *)src); CLRC INTM Prototypes: Uint16 SafeCopycodeZ1(Uint32 size, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src); Uint16 SafeCopycodeZ2(Uint32 size, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src); src – Source address in flash which is secure and EXEONLY enabled. dst – Destination address in RAM which is secure, EXEONLY enabled and in same zone as source flash. size – Number of words(16bit) to be copied. The function returns the number of words copied. The application must ensure that the source flash sector and destination RAM block belongs to the same zone, and variables src, src+size should fall within a sector boundary and dst, dst+size should fall within a RAM block boundary. If any one of these conditions fails, function will return zero.
添加库,使用SafeCopyCodeZ1((size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize, &RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart);转移的FLASH和RAM都是EXEONLY使能过了,可无论如何修改程序和CMD,板卡状态没有丝毫的改变。
There are three types of accesses: data/program reads, JTAG access, and instruction fetches (calls,
jumps, code executions, ISRs). Instruction fetches are never blocked. JTAG accesses are always blocked
when a memory is secure. Data reads to a secure memory are always blocked unless the program is
executing from a memory which belongs to the same zone. Data reads to unsecure memory are always
allowed. Table 2-15 shows the levels of security.
0x5F412是MEM_CFG_REGS Registers 的DxINIT Register初始化RAM,M0,M1,D0,D1。虽然GRAB寄存器阻塞了JTAG对M0,M1,D0,D1的访问,但是并没有阻塞这个DxINIT Register的访问。而且GRAB寄存器永远不阻塞指令。写DxINIT Register和JTAG没关系吧。但是console提示Could not write 0x0005F412@Data
再看这个图,LINKPOINTER存贮的值对应的是CSMPSWD,GRAB,EXEONLY相关寄存器的首地址偏移值。0XFFFFFFFF对应偏移值为0x20,即0x78020为以上几个寄存器的首地址。这么做的好处是OTP一旦从1烧成0就改不了了,如果烧错,还可以修改LINKPOINTER的值,重新换一个区烧写。但是只有32次机会。建议烧写LINKPOINTER的时候,从0xFFFFFFFF开始。能多烧几次- -!
FLASH同理。但是这里实验发现相关域设置成0x01或者0x10,unlock对应区域后,RAM和FLASH通过JTAG或者MEMORY看仍然全是0。意思就是,我把芯片锁上了,你别想破解,当然我自己也打不开- -!想要重新传程序,要修改linkpointer的值,当然次数也是有限的。
总之感觉这个CSM的用户体验贼瞎,一直用来挺顺,最后走个坑 - -
我目前只設置的PSWD 2/3,未設置PSWD 0/1,這樣芯片可以加密,但不會使能ECSL,仿真器可以連接。連接仿真器后,看到DcsmZ1Regs和DcsmZ2Regs如下圖所示,應該是已經加密。加密后如果不解密,應該是不能擦除和燒寫程序的,但是我測試了一下,不執行解密動作依舊可以擦除燒寫(加密的程序DCSM_Z1_ZoneSelectBlock.asm和DCSM_Z2_ZoneSelectBlock.asm已配置,而新燒寫的程序未配置,保持controlsuite中的初始狀態。注:如果新燒寫的程序配置.asm的話,可以擦除但無法正常燒寫)。請問你有遇到這樣的情況嗎?謝謝!
以CPU1的程序更新为例,目前我将所有的Flash和RAM(D0/D1 LSxRAM)都分配给了zone1,在进行程序擦除和烧写前,先通过(IpcRegs.PUMPREQUEST.all = IPC_PUMP_KEY | 0x2;)让CPU1获取Flash pump,然后再通过( DcsmCommonRegs.FLSEM.bit.KEY = 0xA5;DcsmCommonRegs.FLSEM.bit.SEM = 0x01;)让zone1获取Flash pump。但是这样依旧不能正常的擦除和更新程序。
这就不清楚了,全是FF应该是可以写OTP的,更新个CCS版本试试。你上个回帖的界面,不是在那个界面刷的。那个只是设置DEBUG时寄存器的相关值。应该是在连接目标板之后,MEMORY MAP里的一个ON CHIP FLASH里面刷的。