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有没有基于28379d的SDFM AD采样的例子?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, ADS1203, AMC1204


  • SDFM is a filter module ,it take only sigma delta modulated bit streams and these modulated bitstreams come from SD-modulators (which are external to this chip) like AMC1304, ADS1203 etc.

    SDFM是一个滤波模块,主要功能是接受外部S-D ADC的数据流的输入,一般外部的S-D ADC的输出都是数字量,需要滤波及转换器再处理转成数据。AMC1204就是直接接F28377的SDFM的
  • 也就是说内部的ADC不能通过SDFM滤波了?还是内部ADC自带数字滤波功能