Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE
I am using CCS V12 copiling a F28337D project, theres are always some error displayed in the problem windows, all the errors are cla related, below are pasted form the bulild problem windows, this problem confused me for a long time, i guess the series error which noted undefined should be the header files is not linked, since the series parameters are defined in these header files such as fcl_cla.h,cpu_cla_shared.h,qep_defs.h,fcl_cpu_code.c,f28x_bmsk.h,F2837xD_device.h, but all these header files are TI official library files, besides this i have configured all these files in the include path, and while press "Ctrl‘+ mouse left Key could link to the related files. please someone else could analyze this problem for me, thanks very much.
In addition to that, i have checked the header file relationship descrined as below:
fcl_cla_code.cla include fcl_cla.h and cpu_cla_shared.h, two header files.
fcl_cla.h include qep_defs.h and F28x_Project.h, and F28x_Project.h include F2837xD_device.h
cpu_cla_shared.h include f28x_bmsk.h and qep_defs.hheader files.
Build enviorenment: ccs V12 ,compiler TI v22.6.0.LTS,SDK version :c2000Ware_motorControl_SDK [], C2000ware []
Resource Description Location Path Type
cpu_cla_shared.h #171 expected a declaration line 1 /EV_20221118/libraries/fcl/include C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the first line is explanation,guess it is fade error or trigged by any pther error
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "CLA_QEP_PTR" is undefined line 45 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cla.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "ENC_ALIGNMENT" is undefined line 249 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"qep_defs.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "ENC_CALIBRATION_DONE" is undefined line 82 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"qep_defs.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "ENC_WAIT_FOR_INDEX" is undefined line 98 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"qep_defs.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "GpioDataRegs" is undefined line 77 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the file"fcl_cla_code.cla"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "IEI_RISING" is undefined line 129 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"f28x_bmsk.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "int32" is undefined line 92 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"F2837xD_device.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "int32" is undefined line 153 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"F2837xD_device.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "lsw" is undefined line 82 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "lsw" is undefined line 249 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "MOTOR_Constant_Speed" is undefined line 82 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"qep_defs.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "MOTOR_Constant_Torque" is undefined line 82 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"qep_defs.h"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "pangle" is undefined line 95 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "pangle" is undefined line 154 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "pangle" is undefined line 183 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "pi_iq" is undefined line 206 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "pi_iq" is undefined line 223 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "Q_cla" is undefined line 223 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the file"fcl_cla_code.cla"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "qep1" is undefined line 90 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "qep1" is undefined line 151 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "qep1" is undefined line 256 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "qep1" is undefined line 289 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
fcl_cla_code.cla #20 identifier "rg1" is undefined line 154 /EV_20221118/sources C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the parameter is defined in the header file"fcl_cpu_code.c"
cpu_cla_shared.h #7 unrecognized token line 1 /EV_20221118/libraries/fcl/include C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the first line is explanation,guess it is fade error or trigged by any pther error
fcl_cla.h #7 unrecognized token line 1 /EV_20221118/libraries/fcl/include C/C++ Problem //TI official library file,the first line is explanation,guess it is fade error or trigged by any pther error
EV_20221118 gmake: *** [sources/fcl_cla_code.obj] Error 1 C/C++ Problem
EV_20221118 gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors. C/C++ Problem