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tms570ls3137 dcan掩码


  • 这个建议您看一下下面文档的

    2.4 CAN Message Objects

    以及3.1 Configuring CAN Message Object to Transmit 和 3.2 Configuring CAN Message Object to Receive


  • 那在哪种情况下会用到mdir对传输方向过滤?
  • The Arbitration bits ID[28:0], Xtd, and Dir are used to define the identifier and type of outgoing messages and (together with the Mask bits Msk[28:0], MXtd, and MDir) for acceptance filtering of incoming messages.

    Mask Message Direction
    0 The message direction bit (Dir) has no effect on acceptance filtering.
    1 The message direction bit (Dir) is used for acceptance filtering.

    一般建议总是设置 MDir 为 1。忽略消息方向位是一项高级技术,必须谨慎处理。