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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8548, TMS470R1B1M



//ioport unsigned     0x00300000;        // 定义I/O口地址变量
//#define ADS8548_CS  0x00300000      // 定义字符标识ADS8548_CS等于I/O口地址0x00300000

#include <intrinsics.h>
#include <TexasInstruments/iotms470r1b1m.h>
#include <TexasInstruments/tms470r1B1m_bit_definitions.h>
long signed int Channel_1;        // Channe1 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_2;        // Channe2 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_3;        // Channe3 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_4;        // Channe4 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_5;        // Channe5 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_6;        // Channe6 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_7;        // Channe7 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel_8;        // Channe8 AD采样数据,有符号整数
long signed int Channel;
//ioport unsigned port4001;        // 定义I/O口地址变量
//#define ADS8548_CS  0x00300000      // 定义字符标识AD656_data等于I/O口地址0x0002
//signed int ADS8548[24];
//char j, i,m;
extern char adflag ;
void SPI1_irq_handler();
void GIOB_irq_handler();

//extern signed int AD_data[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
signed int data[8] ;

long signed int temp[8] ;
//extern signed int sampledata[8];

unsigned int s ;

void init_ADS8548(void)
      // Added to the main routine to setup the EBM registers for Writing
    EBMCR1=0x02; // EBM Control register 1 set for 16 bit Data
    EBRWCR=0x0F; // EBM Read/Write Control Register
    // 7 = EBHOLD = 0 = The HOLD not mapped to an external device
    // 6:3 = EBCS = 1111 = Chip Selects mapped to the Mux Output
    // 2:1 = EBWR = 11 = The Write Enable bits mapped to the Mux Output
    // 0 = EBOE = 1 = The Output Enable bit mapped to the Mux Output
    //The next four Registers Map Addresses [29:0] to the Mux Output
    EBACR1=0x3F; // EBM Address Control Register [5:0]
    // 7:6 = EBWR = 00 = The Write Enables not mapped to the Mux Output
    // 5:0 = EBADDR = 11111 = The Address Lines are mapped to the Mux Output
    EBADCR=0xFF; // EBM Address/Data Control Register
    // Address Lines D13:D6 are Mapped to the Mux Output
    EBACR2=0xFF; // EBM Address Control Register [21:14]
    // 7:0 = EBADDR[21:14] = 0x1F = The address Lines mapped to Mux Output
    EBACR3=0x07; // EBM Address Control Register [29:22]
    // 7:0 = EBADDR[29:22] = The address Lines mapped to the Mux Output
    //The next Register Maps the 8 bit Data to the Mux Output
    EBDCR=0xFF; // EBM Data Control Register D7:D0
    // Data Lines D7:D0 are Mapped to the Mux Output
    // added to the low level init file with the memory mapping code
    // activate Expansion bus at 0x00500000 set size to 512KB
    //MCBAHR2 = 0x0050; //EBM RAM base addr at 0x00500000
    //MCBALR2 = 0x0050; // Size of 512KB
    //Bits 7:4 control the wait states therefore only 0xF wait states are available.
    //Choose only one of the following for generating internal Wait States.
    // SMCR5 = 0x0004; //8-bit data width/External/Big Endian/1 wait states
    // SMCR5 = 0x0014; //8-bit data width/External/Big Endian/1 wait states
    // SMCR5 = 0x0024; //8-bit data width/External/Big Endian/2 wait states
    // SMCR5 = 0x0034; //8-bit data width/External/Big Endian/3 wait states
    // SMCR5 = 0x0044; //8-bit data width/External/Big Endian/4 wait states     
     MCBAHR2 = 0x0030; //EBM RAM base addr at 0x00300000
     MCBALR2 = 0x0020; //Size of 64k
     MFBALR0 = 0x0100; //Enable the memory map    
     SMCR5 = 0x35; //16-bit data width/External/Big Endian/3 wait states  
     EBDMACR = 0x01;
     // EBRWCR = 0x0F;
      //EBACR1 = 0x3F;
      //EBDCR = 0xFF;
     // EBADCR = 0xFF;
     // EBACR2 = 0xFF;
     // EBACR3 = 0x07;
     // EBMCR1 = 0x02;
void StartSampling(signed int sampledata[])
   for(j=0; j<8; j++)
           for(i=0; i<30; i++)
          ADS8548[j] = ADS8548_CS  ;  
   if(j=7)  // m是从0开始取 ,取到11,这个地方我感觉要改成11,不是12。
      Channel_1 = ADS8548[0] ;
      // 第二个数
     Channel_2 = ADS8548[1];
     Channel_3 = ADS8548[2];
      Channel_6 = ADS8548[5];
   if( s > 400)
     s = 0;