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CCS6 别的项目都可以正常生成HEX和TXT烧录文件,现在这个项目生成不了,求助大家。
这个项目调用了MSP430F5510的USB 库,不知道跟这个有关系没?文件结构如图所示
现在明明勾了 ‘enable msp430 hex utility’ 但是不生成hex文件,ti-txt文件也试过也不生成。
'Finished building target: QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out'
' '
'Invoking: MSP430 Hex Utility'
"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-msp430_4.4.7/bin/hex430" --byte --memwidth=8 --romwidth=8 --ti_txt -o "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.txt" "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out"
Translating to TI-TXT format...
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .text ==> .text
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .const ==> .const
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .cinit ==> .cinit
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" RTC ==> RTC
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT2 ==> PORT2
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A1 ==> TIMER2_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A0 ==> TIMER2_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B1 ==> USCI_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A1 ==> USCI_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT1 ==> PORT1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A1 ==> TIMER1_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A0 ==> TIMER1_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" DMA ==> DMA
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USB_UBM ==> USB_UBM
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A1 ==> TIMER0_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A0 ==> TIMER0_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" ADC10 ==> ADC10
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B0 ==> USCI_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A0 ==> USCI_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" WDT ==> WDT
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B1 ==> TIMER0_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B0 ==> TIMER0_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" COMP_B ==> COMP_B
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" UNMI ==> UNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" SYSNMI ==> SYSNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .reset ==> .reset
'Finished building: QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.txt'
' '
"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-msp430_4.4.7/bin/hex430" --ti_txt "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" -o "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.txt" -order MS -romwidth 16
Translating to TI-TXT format...
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .text ==> .text
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .const ==> .const
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .cinit ==> .cinit
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" RTC ==> RTC
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT2 ==> PORT2
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A1 ==> TIMER2_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A0 ==> TIMER2_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B1 ==> USCI_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A1 ==> USCI_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT1 ==> PORT1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A1 ==> TIMER1_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A0 ==> TIMER1_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" DMA ==> DMA
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USB_UBM ==> USB_UBM
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A1 ==> TIMER0_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A0 ==> TIMER0_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" ADC10 ==> ADC10
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B0 ==> USCI_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A0 ==> USCI_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" WDT ==> WDT
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B1 ==> TIMER0_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B0 ==> TIMER0_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" COMP_B ==> COMP_B
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" UNMI ==> UNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" SYSNMI ==> SYSNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .reset ==> .reset
"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-msp430_4.4.7/bin/hex430" -i "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" -o "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.hex" -order MS -romwidth 16
Translating to Intel format...
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .text ==> .text
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .const ==> .const
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .cinit ==> .cinit
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" RTC ==> RTC
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT2 ==> PORT2
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A1 ==> TIMER2_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A0 ==> TIMER2_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B1 ==> USCI_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A1 ==> USCI_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT1 ==> PORT1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A1 ==> TIMER1_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A0 ==> TIMER1_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" DMA ==> DMA
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USB_UBM ==> USB_UBM
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A1 ==> TIMER0_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A0 ==> TIMER0_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" ADC10 ==> ADC10
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B0 ==> USCI_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A0 ==> USCI_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" WDT ==> WDT
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B1 ==> TIMER0_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B0 ==> TIMER0_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" COMP_B ==> COMP_B
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" UNMI ==> UNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" SYSNMI ==> SYSNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .reset ==> .reset
"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-msp430_4.4.7/bin/hex430" --ti_txt "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" -o "QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.txt" -order MS -romwidth 16
Translating to TI-TXT format...
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .text ==> .text
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .const ==> .const
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .cinit ==> .cinit
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" RTC ==> RTC
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT2 ==> PORT2
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A1 ==> TIMER2_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER2_A0 ==> TIMER2_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B1 ==> USCI_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A1 ==> USCI_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" PORT1 ==> PORT1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A1 ==> TIMER1_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER1_A0 ==> TIMER1_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" DMA ==> DMA
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USB_UBM ==> USB_UBM
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A1 ==> TIMER0_A1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_A0 ==> TIMER0_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" ADC10 ==> ADC10
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_B0 ==> USCI_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" USCI_A0 ==> USCI_A0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" WDT ==> WDT
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B1 ==> TIMER0_B1
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" TIMER0_B0 ==> TIMER0_B0
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" COMP_B ==> COMP_B
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" UNMI ==> UNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" SYSNMI ==> SYSNMI
"QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out" .reset ==> .reset
' '
warning: section QR Scanner HID with 5510 inside.out(.const) was padded by 1
to a size of 1054 to satisfy the specified memory width of 2
**** Build Finished ****
看控制台是有生成hex 和txt的过程 但是没文件输出,现在我担心是项目名以及hex的输出文件名带了空格 是不是不行。
重新生成了一个项目名不带空格的,编译就有hex文件在目录下面了,但是还没验证是不是可以正常工作的。等验证了 再来终结此贴,不行就继续请教了
ok 我明白了 谢谢!另外 想问一下ti的drivelib库里面有没有操作flash读写的例程,如果有的话在哪获取一般该例程文件名为什么(如i2c接口例程文件名eusci_b_i2c)。