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编译报 identifier "UPCS0" is undefined

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529, MSP430G2755, MSP430G2855, MSP430G2955

最近购买了一个ADS1x9xEVM评估板,编译源代码工程时,报在identifier "UPCS0" is undefined。

评估板的MCU为 ,MSP430f5529


BYTE USB_enable()



 if (USB_PLL_XT == 2)
        USBPLLCTL = UPCS0 + UPFDEN + UPLLEN;// Select XT2 as Ref / Select PLL for USB / Discrim. on, enable PLL
        USBPLLCTL = UPFDEN + UPLLEN;        // Select XT1 as Ref / Select PLL for USB / Discrim. on, enable PLL



我搜索了一下在include的文件msp430f5529.h里面能够找到UPFDEN , UPLLEN的定义,但是找不到UPCS0定义。


  • 用最新的库移植下,或者换以前的库,新版本不支持这个函数了。看勘误说明或者更新说明

    Version: 1.073
    release Package 11.03.2013
    11.03.2013 added DCOR to MSP430G2x55 devices
    added 5xx style defintions for 2xx/4xx devices for TA0IV Register
    fixed some typos in 5xx/6xx device with TimerA/B Interrupt vector definitions
    10.02.2013 fixed size of Signature in FRAM Devices
    release Package 31.01.2013
    31.01.2013 added MSP430G2755, MSP430G2855, MSP430G2955
    15.01.2013 changed defines to CapTouchIO from CapSenseIO to align with Users Guide
    13.12.2012 Module name changed from RTC_CE to RTC_C
    13.12.2012 CCS: Removed Legacy CCE V2 defines for Interrupt Vectors
    14.11.2012 fixed missing UCA1 in FR57x3/7
    14.11.2012 FR56xx: fixed typo in SYSRSTIV_MPUSEG defintions
    replaced COMP_B with COMP_E
    release Package 13.11.2012
    24.10.2012 replaced define TBSSEL__TACLK with TBSSEL__TBCLK
    ADC12B: fixed some Typos in ADC12 definitions (ADC10 was used before)
    28.09.2012 USB devices: removed UPCS0 definition

  • 楼上正解。如果只是学习例程,推荐使用旧版的库

  • 非常感谢楼上两位的详细回答,我觉得楼上两位分析很有道理。我现在只想把程序编译过去,能够跟踪TI提供的样例程序,所以就想用老版本的库。请问要到哪里找老版本的库,如何替换?谢谢!

  • 这个函数已经重写了,请参看最新的usb.c

  • 非常感谢你的答复指导,我下载这个2438.usb.c试了之后,报了很多错误,可能需要匹配的相关头文件。不知道如何下载整体更新包,包括头文件的。或者如何退回到老版本的开发包,在哪里下载?谢谢!

