各位:刚学msp430,有问题请教各位: __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF)和 __bic_SR_register(CPUOFF)两条指令执行结果有何不同?谢谢!
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各位:刚学msp430,有问题请教各位: __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF)和 __bic_SR_register(CPUOFF)两条指令执行结果有何不同?谢谢!
void __bic_SR_register_on_exit(unsigned short);
Clears bits in the processor status register when an interrupt or monitor function returns. The function takes an integer as its argument, that is, a bit mask with the bits to be cleared.
This intrinsic function is only available in interrupt and monitor functions.
void __bic_SR_register(unsigned short);
Clears bits in the processor status register. The function takes an integer as its argument, that is, a bit mask with the bits to be cleared.