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  • Yongwei Jiang


    新建一个target configuration file(ccxml),点击run->debug(F11), 进入CCS Dubug, 点击run->connect target, 点击view->memory browser, 可以得到以下图片,再点击save memory, 填写Flash的起始和终止地址,保存就行了。

    另外最简单的方式就是使用MSP430 Flasher

    Reading Memory out from Device and into File

    MSP430 Flasher provides the user with the ability to read out any section of the device memory into a file of choice. The file can either be TI TXT or Intel HEX and the three memory sectors are MAIN, INFO, RAM and BSL. Please note that MSP430 Flasher will only read out memory up to a maximum length of 0x1FFFF.

    In this example, using device MSP430F5438A we will read out MAIN memory into file output.txt.

    >> MSP430Flasher.exe -n MSP430F5438A -r [output.txt,MAIN]