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5510 通用IO口模拟串口通信

现在采用5510的P4.6脚作为输出UART TXD,通过定时器来发送字节,现在默认的晶振12MHz,通过TA1CCR1比较器来做定时间隔发送字节。


void IO_Uart_Init (void)
 //IO configuration
        TA1CTL  = TASSEL_1 + MC_2 +TACLR;             // SMCLK, continuous mode
        P4SEL  |= TXD + RXD;         // P4.6/7 TA0 for TXD/RXD function
        P4DIR  |= TXD;          // TXD output on P4.6



// Function Transmits Character from RXTXData Buffer
void TX_Byte(U8 data)

    __enable_interrupt();               //Enable interrupts globally
    BitCnt = 0xA;                       // Load Bit counter, 8data + ST/SP
    TA1CCR1 = TA1R;                     // Current state of TA counter
    TA1CCR1 += Bitime;                  // Some time till first bit
    RXTXData |= 0x100;                  // Add mark stop bit to RXTXData
    RXTXData = RXTXData<< 1;            // Add space start bit
    TA1CCTL1 |= CCIE;                   // TXD = mark = idle
    while ( TA1CCTL1 & CCIE );          // Wait for TX completion



// Timer A1 interrupt service routine
#pragma vector=TIMER1_A1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer1_A3(void)
 TA1CCR1 += Bitime;                            // Add Offset to CC1R1
 if ( BitCnt == 0)
   TA1CCTL1 &= ~ CCIE;                               // All bits TXed, disable interrupt
   if (RXTXData & 0x01)
      P4OUT |= TXD;
      P4OUT &=~TXD;
   RXTXData = RXTXData >> 1;
   BitCnt --;

如果是12M的频率,波特率为19200,那么12000000/19200=625, 即每隔625ns发送一个bit,但是我串口终端没有接受到任何信息,请问这种方式有问题么?