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为了更好的体验该开发板,我特意下载了之前的MSP432 ware。该开发资料包提供了针对该开发板的全套资料与开箱测试软件。
CLS @echo off rem This is a small helper script that programs a prebuilt binary for a device using DSLite rem :input @echo MSP-EXP432P401R-LaunchPad Firmware Programmer set rootDir=%~dp0 set DSLite="%rootDir%..\DSLite\DebugServer\bin\DSLite.exe" set targetconfig="%rootDir%..\DSLite\MSP432P401R.ccxml" set firmware="%rootDir%OutOfBox_MSP432P401R.out" @echo Programing %firmware% into %device% ...... %DSLite% flash -l -v -c %targetconfig% -f %firmware% pause
MSP-EXP432P401R-LaunchPad Firmware Programmer Programing "D:\ti\msp\MSP432Ware_3_50_00_02\examples\boards\MSP-EXP432P401R\MSP-EXP432P401R_Software_Examples\Firmware\Binary\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R.out" into ...... DSLite version Configuring Debugger (may take a few minutes on first launch)... Initializing Register Database... Initializing: CS_DAP_0 Executing Startup Scripts: CS_DAP_0 Initializing: CORTEX_M4_0 Executing Startup Scripts: CORTEX_M4_0 Connecting... GEL: CORTEX_M4_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete GEL: CORTEX_M4_0: GEL Output: Halting Watchdog Timer Loading Program: D:\ti\msp\MSP432Ware_3_50_00_02\examples\boards\MSP-EXP432P401R\MSP-EXP432P401R_Software_Examples\Firmware\Binary\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R.out Preparing ... .text: 0 of 4540 at 0x0 info: CORTEX_M4_0: Flash Programmer: Erasing main memory info: CORTEX_M4_0: Flash Programmer: Writing 4540 bytes to flash memory 0x00000000 Finished Setting PC to entry point. Verifying Program: D:\ti\msp\MSP432Ware_3_50_00_02\examples\boards\MSP-EXP432P401R\MSP-EXP432P401R_Software_Examples\Firmware\Binary\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R.out Preparing ... .text: 0 of 4540 at 0x0 Finished info: CORTEX_M4_0: Program verification successful for D:\ti\msp\MSP432Ware_3_50_00_02\examples\boards\MSP-EXP432P401R\MSP-EXP432P401R_Software_Examples\Firmware\Binary\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R.out Running... Loading Symbols: D:\ti\msp\MSP432Ware_3_50_00_02\examples\boards\MSP-EXP432P401R\MSP-EXP432P401R_Software_Examples\Firmware\Binary\DSLite\emulation\gel/images/msp432p401r/revB/msp432_driverlib_rom_image.out loading DWARF line information loading DWARF debug information loading DWARF debug information: 1% loading DWARF debug information: 2% loading DWARF debug information: 3% loading DWARF debug information: 4% loading DWARF debug information: 5% loading DWARF debug information: 6% loading DWARF debug information: 7% loading DWARF debug information: 8% loading DWARF debug information: 10% loading DWARF debug information: 11% loading DWARF debug information: 12% loading DWARF debug information: 13% loading DWARF debug information: 14% loading DWARF debug information: 15% loading DWARF debug information: 16% loading DWARF debug information: 17% loading DWARF debug information: 18% loading DWARF debug information: 19% loading DWARF debug information: 20% loading DWARF debug information: 21% loading DWARF debug information: 22% loading DWARF debug information: 23% loading DWARF debug information: 24% loading DWARF debug information: 25% loading DWARF debug information: 26% loading DWARF debug information: 27% loading DWARF debug information: 28% loading DWARF debug information: 29% loading DWARF debug information: 32% loading DWARF debug information: 33% loading DWARF debug information: 34% loading DWARF debug information: 35% loading DWARF debug information: 36% loading DWARF debug information: 37% loading DWARF debug information: 38% loading DWARF debug information: 39% loading DWARF debug information: 40% loading DWARF debug information: 41% loading DWARF debug information: 42% loading DWARF debug information: 43% loading DWARF debug information: 44% loading DWARF debug information: 45% loading DWARF debug information: 46% loading DWARF debug information: 47% loading DWARF debug information: 48% loading DWARF debug information: 49% loading DWARF debug information: 50% loading DWARF debug information: 51% loading DWARF debug information: 52% loading DWARF debug information: 53% loading DWARF debug information: 54% loading DWARF debug information: 55% loading DWARF debug information: 56% loading DWARF debug information: 57% loading DWARF debug information: 58% loading DWARF debug information: 59% loading DWARF debug information: 60% loading DWARF debug information: 61% loading DWARF debug information: 62% loading DWARF debug information: 63% loading DWARF debug information: 64% loading DWARF debug information: 65% loading DWARF debug information: 66% loading DWARF debug information: 67% loading DWARF debug information: 68% loading DWARF debug information: 69% loading DWARF debug information: 70% loading DWARF debug information: 71% loading DWARF debug information: 72% loading DWARF debug information: 73% loading DWARF debug information: 74% loading DWARF debug information: 75% loading DWARF debug information: 76% loading DWARF debug information: 77% loading DWARF debug information: 78% loading DWARF debug information: 79% loading DWARF debug information: 80% loading DWARF debug information: 81% loading DWARF debug information: 82% loading DWARF debug information: 83% loading DWARF debug information: 84% loading DWARF debug information: 85% loading DWARF debug information: 86% loading DWARF debug information: 87% loading DWARF debug information: 88% loading DWARF debug information: 89% loading DWARF debug information: 90% loading DWARF debug information: 91% loading DWARF debug information: 92% loading DWARF debug information: 93% loading ELF symbols: 93% sorting and removing duplicate symbols: 100% Success 请按任意键继续. . .