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SM470R1B1M-HT: sm470 低功耗唤醒问题

Part Number: SM470R1B1M-HT





  • 你好,我将咨询资深工程师,一旦有回复会立即回复您。

  • 你好,工程师对这个芯片没有太多的经验和知识,这是一个比较老的芯片。


    我认为唤醒后,应该从进入待机模式的指令重新启动。唤醒不应导致设备重置。如果你看下面的 LPM 描述,OSC、ACLK 和 RTICLK 仍然是振荡器。RTI 模块仍在运行。


    如果您已经确认唤醒后,处理器正在执行 RTI 中断,那么我相信唤醒正在工作。一旦退出中断ISR,它应该恢复正常操作,对吧?当然,在退出 ISR 之前您需要清除所有中断标志。 


    根据TMS470系统模块用户指南,SCI可用于唤醒时钟。我认为它的工作原理是,RX 引脚上的高电平到低电平将导致时钟控制器发生唤醒事件,以唤醒所有时钟。

  • 感谢您的回答。用RTI中断唤醒是不是只要进入中断,系统就会被唤醒?还有就是RTI中断时间不很设置很长,我需要用RTI来延迟比如几个小时,怎么实现呢?

  • 我需要用RTI来延迟比如几个小时


    You need to enable the 11-bit preload that will create a 32-bit RTI counter. Refer to the below description. 

    The RTI is clocked by the RTICLK, which runs at SYSCLK frequency (see
    Section 7, Clocks, on page 43). The RTI counts RTICLK periods based upon
    the state of the CPU and the control bits CNTEN.1:0 (RTICNTEN.1:0). An
    11-bit preload value, PRELD.10:0 (RTIPCTL.10:0), provides the prescale
    value. The prescale, MOD.10:0 (RTICNTR.10:0) counts down from the
    preload to 0.

    When the prescale counts down to 0, a 21-bit counter is incremented. The
    counter, CNTR.20:0 (RTICNTR.31:11), is a count up counter. During a read
    access, both of the RTI counters (MOD.10:0 and CNTR.20:0) are read
    together in the same cycle as a single 32-bit value (RTICNTR.31:0). However,
    because the modulo M counter (MOD.10:0) is a down counter, a calculation
    needs to be performed to convert the 32-bit RTI counter value into system
    clock cycles which is given by Equation 1:
    (EQ 1)

    M = Preload value PRELD.10:0 (RTIPCL.10:0),
    when PRELD.10:0 = 0, M = 2048

    m = Current value of MOD.10:0 (RTICNTR.10:0)
    N = Current value of CNTR.20:0 (RTICNTR.31:11)

    The real-time counter can generate three distinct interrupts off of this up

    ❏ Tap interrupt
    ❏ Two compare interrupts (Compare1 and Compare 2)