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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC2845, UC3845, UC3843, UC3842, UC2843, UC1842, UC2842, UC1844, UC1845, UC1843


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    关于直接替代的问题,建议使用UC2843,它与UC2845仅仅是Max duty 不同。





    这系列您都可以考虑。他们的区别在于UVLO、Max Duty、工作温度。具体如下,

    1.The UC1842 and UC1844 have UVLO

    thresholds of 16 VON and 10 VOFF, ideally suited to

    off-line applications. The corresponding thresholds

    for the UC1843 and UC1845 are 8.4 V and 7.6 V.

    The UC1842 and UC1843 can operate to duty cycles

    approaching 100%. A range of zero to 50% is

    obtained by the UC1844 and UC1845 by the addition

    of an internal toggle flip flop which blanks the output

    off every other clock cycle.

    2.Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for –55°C £ TA£ 125°C for the UC184X; –40°C £ TA£ 85°C for the

    UC284X; 0°C £ TA£ 70°C for the 384X;

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