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在阅读 “BQ40Z80 Technical Reference”手册时,看到对于SOH的计算描述:
The BQ40Z80 implements a new state-of-health (SOH) function. Previously, the SOH of a battery was typically represented by the actual runtime FullChargeCapacity/Design Capacity (or FCC/DC). Using the runtime FCC, however, was not a very good representation for the state-of-health because the runtime FCC reflects the usable capacity under load. A high current load reduces the runtime FCC. If using just the FCC/DC calculation for SOH, the SOH under high load will be worse than the SOH under typical load. However, a smaller usable capacity at high load does not mean the SOH of a battery is degraded. This is the same when FCC is reduced at a lower temperature.
The BQ40Z80 implementation of state-of-health addresses these issues. It provides the SOH of the battery through an SBS command, SOH(). The SOH() is calculated using the FCC simulated at 25°C with current specified by SOH Load Rate. The SOH Load Rate can be set to the typical current of the application, and it is specified in hour-rate (that is, Design Capacity/SOH Load Rate will be the current used for the SOH simulation). This data flash setting is used for SOH() calculation only. This SOH FCC is updated at the same time ASOC and RSOC are updated. Since this implementation removes the variation of current or temperature, it is a better representation of a battery’s state-of-health. The SOH FCC is available on MAC StateofHealth().
1、既然SOH()不是以前那样使用FullChargeCapacity/Design Capacity进行计算,那改善后的计算公式是怎样的?
2、SOH Load Rate这个参数是什么意思?它是如何影响SOH()的?
"You can increase SOH load rate to increase SOH reported."
通过增大SOH load rate的方式来增大SOH()的原理是什么?我还是不能理解SOH load rate和SOH的关系是什么?
我看了帖子的回复,还是对SOH Load Rate不太理解,可以理解为SOH Load Rate越大,SOH就越大?
" The SOH Load Rate can be set to the typical current of the application, and it is specified in hour-rate (that is, Design Capacity/SOH Load Rate will be the current used for the SOH simulation)."
另外负载端的电流是随时变化的,并没有什么典型值,SOH Load Rate的值应如何设置?