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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50, BQ27426, BQSTUDIO




1,对于“Best chemical ID : 1153 Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 14.11” 的意思是,

       (1) 有一个匹配的ID1153的电芯,是吗?  ——你能告诉这个电芯在哪里可以找到规格书。

      (2)14  11  分别是指什么意思





Chemistry ID selection tool, rev=2.51
Configuration used in present fit:
Best chemical ID : 1153 Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 14.11
Summary of all IDs with max. DOD deviation below 3%
Chem ID max DOD error, % Max R deviation, ratio
0 0 0
Accuracy Error: Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule
Selection of best generic ID for ROM based devices like bq274xx
Device / Family #1
Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, %
3142 bq27421-G1D: 4.4V LiCoO2 16.52
354 bq27411-G1C: 4.35V LiCoO2 16.64
312 bq27421-G1B: 4.3V LiCoO2 18.11
128 bq27421-G1A: 4.2V LiCoO2 102.5
Best generic ID 3142
Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule
Device / Family #2
Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, %
354 bq27621:  (ALT_CHEM2) 4.35V LiCoO2 16.64
1210 bq27621:  (ALT_CHEM1) 4.3V LiCoO2 16.65
1202 bq27621: (default) 4.2V LiCoO2 16.85
Best generic ID 354
Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule
Device / Family #3
Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, %
3142 bq27426: (ALT-CHEM2) 4.4V LiCoO2 16.52
3230 bq27426: (default) 4.35V LiCoO2 16.83
1202 bq27426: (ALT_CHEM1) 4.2V LiCoO2 16.85
Best generic ID 3142
Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule