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UCD3138HSFBEVM-029: 在导入一个从贵司网站下载的工程后,编译一直无法通过

Part Number: UCD3138HSFBEVM-029


一直提示有两个error : 

Error1: Program "make" not found in PATH

 ERROR2: This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed - 5.2.4 [Arm]. See 'Help > Install New Software' and select 'Code Generation Tools Updates' to check if this compiler is available through a CCS update. Visit <a href="liveaction:OpenAppCenter">CCS App Center</a> to get the latest compiler support. Or <a href="">> and install the compiler, then register it with CCS through 'Preferences > CCS > Build > Compilers'. UCD3138HSFBEVM_029 properties Problem


