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BQ34Z100-G1: 关于铅酸电池自学习FC不置位

Part Number: BQ34Z100-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO, , BQ34Z110, BQ34Z100


Charge Voltage按默认的4200-4200-4100设置,

number of series cells=7

Taper Current设=600ma,

Taper Voltage=100,
Terminate Voltage=3100,
Design Capacity=20000,
Design Energy=8400,
Design Energy Scale=10,
Dsg Current Threshold=80,
Chg Current Threshold=200,
Quit Current = 60,
Qmax cell 0=20000,
Chemistry ID=0807/0803/0806(试过这几种)
Battery voltage is within 0.1 V of the Charging Voltage as defined in bqStudio.
Battery current is below Taper Current, as defined in bqStudio.
Battery current stays below this Taper Current and above the Quit Current for over 40 seconds.
  • 您好,FC set需要满足下卖弄条件。

    For FC to assert with FC Set% = -1:

    1. During two consecutive periods of Current Taper Window, the AverageCurrent() is less than Taper Current AND
    2. During the same periods, the accumulated change in capacity > 0.25 mAh /Taper Current Window AND
    3. Voltage() is > Charging Voltage – Charging Taper Voltage. When this occurs, the [CHG] bit of Flags() is cleared. Also, if the [RMFCC] bit of Pack Configuration is set, and RemainingCapacity() is set equal to FullChargeCapacity().

  • 感谢您的回复,我没设置FC,我按默认,默认设置的是FC=100,我设置FC=-1试试。

    另,您列的3个条件,第2点,是不是这么理解Taper Current Window期间,change in capacity > 0.25 mAh ;

    我已充电至电池电压29.372V,满足了条件3 Charging Voltage – Charging Taper Voltage(充电电压29.4,Charging Taper Voltage=100mv),充电电流小于250ma(我设置的Taper Current=600ma),满足了条件1,如果按我理解的第2点,应该也满足了,按这个分析,就是因为没设置FC=-1了,我设FC=-1试试,再次感谢您的回复

  • 前段时间bq34z100-g1板子坏了一直没能验证,新做好板子,设置FC Set% = -1,充满电后FC还是没有置位,我设置的是

    Taper Current设=600ma,

    Taper Voltage=100,用29.4V充电,
  • 您好,铅酸电池的学习请参考下面文档的5 Learning Cycle for Lead-Acid (PbA) Batteries

    6254.How to Complete a Successful Learning Cycle for the BQ34z100 (1).pdf

  • 您好,您给的资料我已经看过了,我也参考了这份资料设置学习参数,试了好多次FC就是不置位,打算以后再实验了。我现在已换成BQ34Z110方案,但是买到的样品ID是0110_0_04,今天在TI的官网下载了BatteryManagementStudio,但也只支持0110_0_01,0110_0_02,真是诸多不顺啊。不知道您有支持0110_0_04的BatteryManagementStudio,期待您的回复,谢谢!

  • 您好,可以更新BQ34Z100的固件,下载新固件时,包中还应该包含一个.bqz文件。(Check in C:\ProgramData\Texas Instruments\)

  • 我今天官网下载的是新版本的安装软件BatteryManagementStudio,新固件如何下载,可否提供连接,谢谢!

  • 您好,非常感谢您的回复!因为bq34z100-g1对铅酸自学习一直不置位,项目时间比较紧了,已更换成了主应用于铅酸的bq34z110,我说的BQStudio不支持器件是指不支持我买到的bq34z110,我买到的这块IC器件ID是0110_0_04,而BQStudio列表只支持器件ID是0110_0_01和0110_0_02,我希望得到的是bq34z110新固件的链接,可以的话请帮忙提供,再次感谢您的回复,谢谢!

  • 您好,我已经在官网下载了bq34z110的专用软件,感谢您的答复,谢谢!

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