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BQ24253: BQ25606

Part Number: BQ24253
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25606



  • 您好,请参考下面的内容:

    The bq24253 uses the D+/D- lines at startup to set the input current limit. For example, if IN and D+/D- are connected to a USB SDP port, the input current limit would be set to 100mA. If you want to set the input current to a different level (per d/s table 1), you have to toggle EN1/EN2 as explained in flow diagram of figure 18. For your desired maximum 2A current output, I assume you have a 5-V power source (e.g. wall adapter) capable of providing that much output current? If so, then you could tie D+=D-, which should force the input current limit to the maximum as set by the ILIM resistor (or short ILIM to ground to set to maximum per d/s table 2). As a redundancy, you could set EN2=0 and EN1=1.