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[分享] 调试 UCD3028 和 UCD3138 的利器:内存调试器(Memory Debugger)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138, UCD3028


使用Memory debugger可以很容易的实现该功能。请参考附件的应用笔记。


怎么找到Memory Debugger

Memory Debugger是德州仪器数字电源设计调试工具Fusion Digital Power Designer(下载地址:,请下载最新版本,早期版本不支持Memory Debugger功能)的一部分,主要用来读写UCD3xxx内部全局变量和寄存器的值。Memory Debugger界面如图1所示。如果是第一次调用Memory Debugger,需要输入密码“forestln”。

那么如何调出Memory Debugger工具,有两条途径:一是执行Fusion Design Online可执行文件(桌面直接双击Fusion Design Online快捷方式,如果没有创建桌面快捷方式,在开始菜单中找到Texas Instruments Fusion Digital Power Designer目录下的Fusion Digital Power Designer,点击即可),然后就可以在Fusion Design Online上的Tools菜单下面找到Memory Debugger项,如图2所示;二是执行UCD3xxx & UCD9xxx Device GUI可执行文件(桌面直接双击UCD3xxx & UCD9xxx Device GUI快捷方式,如果没有创建桌面快捷方式,在开始菜单中找到Texas Instruments Fusion Digital Power Designer\Device GUIs目录下的UCD3xxx & UCD9xxx Device GUI,点击即可),Memory Debugger在图中红圈处。

UCD3xxx数字电源控制器调试工具:内存调试器(Memory Debugger)的详细介绍.pdf
  • UCD3xxx包含UCD3028和UCD3138两个系列,是TI大力推广的数字电源,可以用来设计PFC控制,高压400V转48V或12V,48V转28V或12V等多个隔离电源场景。


  • Neil, 请问下使用memory debugger时寄存器SysRegs无法读取是什么原因,如何读取寄存器SysRegs得值?

    Timestamp Message
    2014/5/29 9:32:29 0x00020000: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000100000014000000220000000141
    2014/5/29 9:32:29 0x00020010: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000200000241770068200000682
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    2014/5/29 9:32:29 0x00020030: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:29 0x00020040: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:29 0x00020050: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000050F000068200000002700000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x00020060: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x00070030: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000010
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x00070050: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x00090050: read 16 byte(s) 0x007FFFFF000000000003FFFF00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x00090060: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000A0000: read 16 byte(s) 0x000080038001C00200000001000007D0
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000A0020: read 16 byte(s) 0x000007C0000001000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000A0030: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000008000000000000010
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000A0060: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000A0070: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000B0010: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000011101011
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000B0030: read 16 byte(s) 0x28601000000004320000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000B0040: read 4 byte(s) 0x000000FF
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0000: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000081050000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0010: read 16 byte(s) 0x0037493900000000003749A909999900
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0020: read 16 byte(s) 0x00C800C8000000C800C800C800C800C8
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0030: read 16 byte(s) 0x0BB80000000013880000000000190000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0040: read 16 byte(s) 0x004B0032007D0064004AFFFF00D99999
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0050: read 16 byte(s) 0x007FFFFF00D99999000033AD00000050
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000C0060: read 4 byte(s) 0x010043B9
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0000: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000030001C00200000001000007D0
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0010: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000100000331B00003415000067B3
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0020: read 16 byte(s) 0x00004FC0000001000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0030: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000008000000000000020
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    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0050: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0060: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0070: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:30 0x000D0080: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000123
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0x000E0000: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000000000082000000000000025E7
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0x000E0010: read 16 byte(s) 0x000025E7000015AA0000000011101011
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0x000E0020: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000003B0000450500000A0A000A0FFF
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0x000E0030: read 16 byte(s) 0x2860100000000432025E000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0x000E0040: read 4 byte(s) 0x0000025E
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7F020: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000000000000023BE9FB900000014
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7F030: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000800000070E0000000000000BCD
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7F040: read 4 byte(s) 0x0103FFFF
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7F610: read 16 byte(s) 0x00101800000001FF0061FF58000000B0
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7FD20: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000004000000000000000000000001
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7FD50: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7FD60: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000000000000000000008050000062B
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFF7FD90: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000005
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    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFD10: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFD20: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFD30: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000003
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFD34: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFD38: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE00: read 16 byte(s) 0x000000000000A1320000000000000062
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE10: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000001000088220000000100009030
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE20: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000002000000000000000300000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE30: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000004000000000000000500000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE40: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000006000000000000000700000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE50: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000008000000000000000900000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE60: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000000A000000000000000B00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE70: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000000C000000000000000D00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE80: read 16 byte(s) 0x0000000E000000000000000000000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE90: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE94: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFE98: read 4 byte(s) 0x00000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFF20: read 16 byte(s) 0x00000000000000000000000002000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFF30: read 4 byte(s) 0x08000000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 0xFFFFFF34: read 4 byte(s) 0x02008000
    2014/5/29 9:32:31 error reading from the device: error reading memory or EEPROM at address 0xFFFFFFD0; address 0xFFFFFFD0 is not supported for read/write using PARM_INFO/PARM_VALUE commands
  • 请问怎样使用Memory Debugger观察自定义变量的值,谢谢!

  • 需要将其定义为外部变量。

  • 是定义为外部变量,那怎样才能添加到Memory Debugge的Watch List从而观察数据变化!