Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQKEYPACKAGER
Hi, TI experts,
There is a confusing pop window when I generate bqk files, and the steps are as follow:
1.Choose "SHA256 Key bq9035"
2.Choose "Chanllenge(20~32bytes/40~64 hex)" and then enter SHA256 Chanllenge 1 and Chanllenge 2
3.Choose “Key(32 bytes/64 hex)” and then enter Authentication Key
4.Enter password and comment
5.Rechoose "Chanllenge(20~32bytes/40~64 hex)"
And then click “Create bqKey File”, there will be the pop windows like this:
I think the “0x0303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303” will be the HMAC SHA256 Key.
The question is:
(1) What's the “Generated SHA256 Key” stands for? Will this Key affects the authentication process?
(2) When can the bqKeyPackager with bq9037 option release? (refer to https://e2e.ti.com/support/power-management-group/power-management/f/power-management-forum/1199589/bq27z746-bq27z746-the-hmac-sha256-keys/4527142?focus=true#4527142) Because I need it urgently, can you please share one to this account in advance?
Waiting for your reply.