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BQ24179: 输入电压限制寄存器0X05失效问题

Part Number: BQ24179




  • 您好,REG05在adapter接入时根据VBUS的值自动配置。取消可以设置REG_RST和watchdog。

    详细请参考数据手册8.5.1.4 REG05_Input_Voltage_Limit Register

  • 你可能没有理解我的意思,我的意思是REG05这个寄存器可以不根据插入的VBUS自动设置吗?,因为自动配置的值太低了,不满足我们预期的电压。


  • 您好, there is no way to disable VINDPM.  VINDPM autosets to measured VBUS after power up less 600-700mV.  VINDPM does not "pull down" the port.  It regulates the input voltage to the set value, to prevent VBUS crash, by limiting input current to a value lower than the IINDPM register.  If SYS current is pulling too much current, the battery must then supplement the SYS load.  If the host enables ICO, the IINDPM register would auto reduce to that input current value in order to prevent VINDPM from turning on in the future
