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BQ76952: 低串数应用均衡时第14节电压升高15mV

Part Number: BQ76952




  • 您好,请参考下面文档2.5 Voltage Measurement Accuracy During Balance

  • 您好,感谢你的回复。但是参考文档中2.5节描述与我所遇到的问题是不符的。我不存在RC时间常数导致采集电压偏低或者均衡期间最顶针电压采样偏低的情况。



  • 您好,是否方便提供完整的电路方便分析。

  • 你好,76952部分的电路图如图中所示,请帮忙分析,谢谢。

  • 您好,正在询问更了解这款芯片的TI工程师,稍后回复。

  • 您好

    The device might not have a settled RC response by the time it takes a measurement at VC14. Can they try keeping the C292 Capacitor? Maybe this will help with the settling time.

    Remember the device does not balance and takes measurements at the same time, so RC constant must settle quickly enough before a measurement is taken. They can try monitoring this behavior in the scope and possibly see how settled the voltage is when the measurement is taken.

  • 你好,这个电路最开始是保留C292的,但是仍然有VC14电压升高的问题。去除C292的原因是:当最高节电芯均衡时,VC15的电压会由于电阻分压而变高,此时可能会给C292充电,我担心会影响VC14的电压采样。

  • 您好,建议将R450去掉? This is not needed in the 15S configuration.  

    Have they tried shorting at the VC15-VC14 pin? Please see the circled blue area below.

  • 你好,我按照所述方法将R450去除,同时将VC15-VC14短接起来。导致我最高节电芯均衡异常(均衡速率很慢),其他偶数节均衡也是如此。不知你们按照所述方法测试过均衡,是否有我这样的问题。异常现象的视频如下,红色LED并联在均衡电阻上,LED亮起表明该节在均衡:

  • 您好,您是用评估板做的测试还是自己的板子,建议您用评估板做一下测试。