Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO, EV2400
为什么BQ76952配置寄存器 或者用BQStudio上位机来写入配置 修改SETING里面的寄存器值 改了后 WIRTE TO DATA MEMORY 还是没有用 还是之前的值 在读取 readall 还是全部是默认值 为什么写入总是失败
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I recommend reading the BQ769x2 Software Development Guide for some examples of communicating with the device.
Could you provide more details about these captures? Specifically what commands the host is trying to send in each capture. Also, it looks like the last capture is zoomed out too much so that the bytes are not fully displayed.
One thing to note is that bqStudio will normally handle entering and exiting config update mode and sending the checksum when writing to registers. It may appear different due to this.