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您好,当触发 SCD 故障时,如果在 Settings:Protection:DSG FET Protections A 中配置了自主 FET 控制,器件将关 闭 DSG FET。
您好,DSG FET Protections A 设置为0x08没有使能SCD保护。为了在检测到故障时立即发生 DSG FET 关闭操作, 应将该值仅设置为 0x80 或 0xE4
SCD恢复条件:Safety Status A()[SCD] = 1 并且 VSRN–VSRP ≤ Protections:SCD:Threshold 选择的设置持续时间达到 Protections:SCD:Recovery Time
See below from the TRM.
The minimum threshold for OCC is 4mV. The threshold register setting uses 2mV units, so a setting of 2 equals a 4mV threshold, see below.
To answer your question, OCC turns off the CHG FET, so the current should stop and if a load is attached the voltage on the PACK pin should drop below the recovery threshold, either allowing the device to recover from the protection. If the CHG FET does not turn off, then the current would have to drop below the recovery threshold for the duration of the recovery time in order for the device to recover.
I recommend reading Section 5.2.7 of the TRM for more information on OCC and how the device recovers from it.
OTC and OTD can be triggered at any time, even if there is no charging or discharging. As long as the thresholds are met, do you have the same temperature threshold for both?
We mention this behavior in Sections 13.6.12 Protections:OTC and 13.6.13 Protections:OTD of the Technical Reference Manual.
每当 COV 事件发生时,COV 锁存器计数器都会递增。如果锁存计数器达到此限制,则触发电芯过压锁存 保护。请参考TRM13.6.3.1 Protections:COVL:Latch Limit