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BQ769142: Watch dog相關問題

Part Number: BQ769142



1.IC 斷電重新上電,

(1)BQ769142 IC 在第一次上電時寫入新的設定參數,寫入完成後再將BQ769142 IC完全斷電,此時在上電後是否會將原本的設定值變成預設值,還是會維持原本設定值?

2.Watch dog ,

(1)在BQ769142 觸發Watch dog 功能時,技術文件表示是會關掉DSG與CHG MOSFET,想請問當觸發時BQ769142 IC 也會自動Reset嗎? 還是只是關閉DSG與CHG MOSFET而已?

(2)Watch dog 功能可以再進入休眠模式時將其Disable,而從休眠模式喚醒後再將Watch dog功能Enable,這種使用模式是可行的嗎?


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  • 您好,请参考下面内容:

    1, When the device is powered on or woken from SHUTDOWN mode, it will load the settings set in the OTP, and if there is no OTP value set for a register it will load its default value.

    2,The Host Watchdog Protection just turns off the FETs, it will not directly cause the device to reset. The internal watchdog feature (not the same as Host Watchdog Protection) will reset the device. This feature checks if the internal firmware is non-responsive and should only trigger if there is an internal firmware error.

    3,There is not an autonomous function to do this, but the host could detect that the device is in SLEEP mode via 0x12 Battery Status [SLEEP] and then disable the Host Watchdog Protection by changing Settings:Protection:Enabled Protections C [HWDF] to disable/enable the protection. The Internal Watchdog check cannot be disabled.