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BQ76952: 均衡开启后电压采样异常问题

Part Number: BQ76952
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO





未开启均衡时的电池电压     开启电池1的均衡 开启电池2的均衡  开启电池3的均衡

在软件控制第13节电池均衡时(仅控制了第13节电池均衡打开),第14节均衡也打开了,打开第14节电池的均衡时,读取(0x0083 CB_ACTIVE_CELLS)值为0显示均衡未开启,但读取(0x0085 CBSTATUS1)却显示均衡运行时间在计时?


  • 您好,是否用BQstudio验证现象是否相同。确认是不是软件的问题。

  • 您好,请参考下面内容:

    For the behavior with the lower cells measuring incorrectly, one possibility is that the recommended maximum voltage between VC0 and VSS (0.5V) is being exceeded. We've observed in previous cases that exceeding this limit can cause the Cell 1 voltage measurement to drop significantly. I recommend capturing waveforms of the voltage at the device inputs to see if this is the case.

    For the behavior with Cell 13, is this behavior only when turning on Cell 13 balancing or does this occur with other cells or in other conditions? Are they sending the proper checksum along with the balancing commands? Do they have a Saleae logic analyzer capture showing this behavior?