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BQ76952: REG1,REG2

Part Number: BQ76952

1 电流

1.1 CC1每250ms上报一次,若没有标志位,还有其他方法能保证MCU能及时读取到最新的CC1吗?

1.2 CC3作为80(缺省值)个CC2的平均值,是每3ms(缺省值)更新一次,还是每240ms更新一次?可以通过ADSCAN标志位来判断CC3是否更新了吗?


​2 REG1和REG2


在参考手册中提到了使用 “外部电压电源过度驱动REG1电压”,请问这个过度驱动该如何操作?


  • 您好


    2,The CC3 output is reported in 16-bit format using the 0x0075 DASTATUS5() subcommand. 详细请参考TRM 4.3 Coulomb Counter and Digital Filters




  • 您好,过度驱动请参考下面介绍:

    You will most likely use the REG1 LDO output to pull-up the i2c communication lines through pull-up resistors, so they will build a PCB that pulls the i2c lines up to REG1.  The issue with this, though, is that some devices are not configured with REG1 ON by default, but in order to communicate with the BQ76952 through i2c, the lines must be pulled up to a higher voltage.

    So to communicate with the BQ76952, the customer needs to enable the REG1 LDO, but the customer cannot change the REG1 LDO configuration without having a pull-up voltage present on the i2c lines, which is provided by REG1.  This is a tricky situation, and it is why we recommend overdriving.

    What this entails is having an external voltage source connect to where the REG1 pin is pulling up the i2c lines and provide the voltage needed for the MCU to communicate with the BQ76952 and enable the REG1 LDO through programming it into OTP.  Once REG1 is enabled in OTP, the external voltage source is not needed.