Above is the schematic for USB type.c power sink(UFP),dead battery mode,boot configuration is BP_NoWait, device configuration is Safe_Configuration.:
When X2 connect to type.c power sink,VBUS is 5V, LDO_3V3 is 3.3V,LDO_1V8 is 1.8V, VIN_3V3 is 0V
Issue: 1.device not load external confirguration from SPI, SPI_CLK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO no signal. The device performance not act as boot configuration:BP_NoWait, then checked datasheet, for unused pin need and SPI_CS handle as below:
1):GPIO1:Ground pin with a 1-Mohm resistor
2): I2C1_SCL: pull up to LDO_3V3 with 10-Kohm resistor
3): I2C1_SDA: pull up to LDO_3V3 with 10-Kohm resistor
4): I2C2_SCL: pull up to LDO_3V3 with 10-Kohm resistor
5): I2C1_SDA: pull up to LDO_3V3 with 10-Kohm resistor
6): SPI_CSZ: pull up to LDO_3V3 with 3.3-Kohm resistor
With all this, when power on,device not load external confirguration from SPI, SPI_CLK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO no signal.
Question:i) If device should act as:when power on,device not load external confirguration from SPI, SPI_CLK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO no signal?
ii)If not, what issues can you found from my design?
iiI) I also try to change to below mode(R8 UN-mount,change R17 to 8K2):
device performance still:when power on,device not load external confirguration from SPI, SPI_CLK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO no signal.
Can you help me for: If device should act as this
Issue 2: I also try to power VIN_3V3 with external power,VBUS is 0V --->performance:LDO_3V3 is 0V,LDO_1V8 is 0V
Question:i) If device should act as this?
ii)If not, what issues can you found from my design?
Issue 3: From my understanding, the device should act as:
1). When TPS65987 connect to type.c power, The TPS65987DDK hardware is configured to present this Rd during a dead-battery or no-battery
condition. So the type.c power will provide power on VBUS, so VBUS is powered. LDO_3V3 and LDO_1V8 also powered.
2).According to ADCIN1 to determine start-up behavior. Since boot configuration is BP_NoWait, The device continues to start-up and attempts to load configurations while
receiving power from VBUS. Since I2C is no used(pull up to LDO_3V3),So,TPS65987 Will load configurations from SPI, SPI_CLK should has signal.
3) If 2) is failed, TPS65987 Will not load configurations from SPI, it will act as device configuration(Issue 2 for example):(Configuration 3:UFP only (Internal Switch)
5-20 V at 0.9 - 3.0-A Sink capability TBT Alternate Modes not enabled DisplayPort Alternate Modes not enabled), even this, PP_HV should has power.
Question: 1) If my understanding is right, if there is anything wrong, please help to correct.