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TPS23731: output voltage cannot be stabilized, and the output power is insufficient

Part Number: TPS23731

We designed a demo using TPS23731. During debugging, we found that the output of the transformer secondary could not be stabilized at a fixed 12V voltage and would decrease with the increase of current.

And the power is lower than our design, we expect to up to 25W,but current power is much less than 25W,what may be the reason for this?

Here's our schematic:

This is the change curve of the current and voltage output of the transformer secondary that we used for electronic load testing:

In addition, due to procurement issues, we used a new transformer instead of the recommended transformer model in the specification, and this is its specification:

  • Hi

        有没有确认变压器功率是否足够? 或者有没有测试电路过载保护信号是否正常?

  • 我们进一步的实验表明,在tps23731的cs引脚并联一个330pf的电容到gnd,能够增加电流输出的上限,但是输出电流增加,电压也会降低,但是似乎最大功率限制还是在13W。


  • Hi


  • 是的,lauout走线问题造成了部分干扰,目前我们发现最大的问题还是变压器的选型,Ti官方推荐的变压器型号不易采购,替代料的变压器,不管是匝数,绕圈,感值都不能完全一致。我们尝试了调整comp,和FB等周边电路来弥补非推荐选型的差距,但是仍旧没有选择到合适的,请问是否有其他合适的现货变压器替代料推荐

  • 并且想询问一下,针对我们这种电压和电流成反比关系的现象,有什么解决方法,仍旧希望能够维系一个正常的12V输出,而不是提高负载电流,12V电压就会逐渐跌落

  • Hi

