TPS65987D: How to confirm firmware version

Part Number: TPS65987D


I can't confirm whether TPS65987D loads firmware from external SPI FLASH and works normally.

So I read the BootFlags (0x2D) register:

REG BOOTFLAGS << HEX [ 0C 18 00 00 00 A2 06 00 00 30 00 00 ]

[Boot Flags]
PatchHeaderErr : 0
PatchDownloadErr : 0
DeadBatteryFlag : 1
SpiFlashPresent : 1
CustomerOtpInvalid : 0
Region0 : 0
Region0Invalid : 0
Region0FlashErr : 0
Region0CrcFail : 1
Region1 : 0
Region1Invalid : 0
Region1FlashErr : 0
Region1CrcFail : 0
PP1Switch : 0
PP1Switch : 0
PP3Switch : 0
PP4Switch : 0

Region0 = 0 and Region1 = 0 indicates that device didn't attempt Region0 and Region1 ,

which implicitly means that the content at Region0 Region1 is inactive.

Does this mean the firmware is not functioning properly?

And I try to read (0x0F) which matches the vendor provided version (F807.12.76)

The document description 0x0F register is only 4 bytes, but only the result obtained by reading 5 bytes can be consistent with the firmware version given by the supplier.

REG VERSION << HEX [ 04 76 12 07 F8 ]

So the first byte 0x04 has no effect?

Best regards.
