BQ25713: 拔掉适配器ChargeCurrent() 复位为零,意思就是离不开单片机控制吗

Part Number: BQ25713

在测试中发现正常充电时ChargeCurrent() 为自己设置的充电电流,一旦拔掉适配器这个电流寄存器就会复位为0,如果我的单片机处于关机状态不就意味着关机后拔掉适配器无法充电了

  • 您好

    To set the charge current, write a 16-bit ChargeCurrent() command (REG0x03/02h()) using the data format listed in Figure 9-21, Table 9-23, and Table 9-24. With 10-mΩ sense resistor, the charger provides charge current range of 64 mA to 8.128 A, with a 64-mA step resolution. Upon POR, when auto wakeup is not active, ChargeCurrent() is 0 A. Any conditions for CHRG_OK low except ACOV will reset ChargeCurrent() to zero. CELL_BATPRESZ going LOW (battery removal) will reset the ChargeCurrent() register to 0 A. Charge current is not reset in ACOC, TSHUT, power path latch off (REG0x30[1]), and SYSOVP. A 0.1-µF capacitor between SRP and SRN for differential mode filtering is recommended; an optional 0.1-µF capacitor between SRN and ground, and an optional 0.1-µF capacitor between SRP and ground for common mode filtering. Meanwhile, the capacitance on SRP should not be higher than 0.1 µF in order to properly sense the voltage across SRP and SRN for cycle-by-cycle current detection. The SRP and SRN pins are used to sense voltage drop across RSR with default value of 10 mΩ. However, resistors of other values can also be used. For a larger sense resistor, a larger sense voltage is given, and a higher regulation accuracy; but, at the expense of higher conduction loss. A current sensing resistor value no more than 20 mΩ is suggested.
