BQ25756: BQ25756电容充电异常

Part Number: BQ25756


We designed a supercapacitor pack charging board using the BQ25756 chip. The power input is 24V/4A. The capacitors used are 2.7V/30F, with 10 capacitors connected in series. The charging board outputs 27V and the charging current is set to 3A. After configuration via I2C, it can output normally. However, there are status errors during the charging process. We captured several waveforms of the voltage across the capacitors and the charging current during the charging process. As follows:
This is different from the capacitor charging waveform of the EVM reference board.
Are there any ready-made solutions or tutorials that can be referred to?
  • 您好

    感谢您的配合。 我有几个问题可以帮助我们调试此行为: 您能将此板的原理图/布局发送给我吗? 电路板输出什么状态错误? 测量开关波形时、客户是否确保探针 GND 环路短路? 如果示波器上的 GND 环路过长、GND 环路会使波形失真。 在顶部的图中、客户在哪里测量输出电压? 我认为30F 电容器的电压纹波应该不会太大。