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c6678接收到srio doorbell后怎样获取源ID

c6678进入srio doorbell中断后怎样获取doorbell源ID?使用K1_STK_v1.1.zip中srio doorbell中断例程
  • 现在doorbell中断接收主要有两个问题 1、doorbell源ID的问题,系统中多个srio节点通过交换机进行连接,进行一次dio操作后发送一个doorbell,收到doorbell后怎样识别doorbell是由哪个节点发出,即doorbell的源ID怎么解出来 2、文档中说doorbell info和中断路径有关系,有没有填任意值的模式。ppc中doorbell info可以是任意值,DSP可不可以这样使用?
  • 源ID是看不到的,你只能使用不同的bit位来区分是哪个节点发出来的。

  • 但是doorbell info中doorbell reg 2bit,doorbell 4bit共6bit可以表示64种情况,但是系统中srio节点个数大于64有什么好的办法区分源ID吗?
  • 参考以下内容,就是只能通过把自己的ID写到对方的指定内存里去的方式。

    Unfortunately, from the receiving device's perspective, there is no way for software to determine the srcid of the device sending the doorbell.  You will have to build a scheme for decoding this information.  Perhaps an Nwrite to a given/known memory location that the receiving device can access.  The sending device could  do an Nwrite to write the srcID into the receiving device's memory after doorbell completes successfully (good CC).  The receiving device would then get the interrupt and then check the memory location to see who sent it.