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internal memory和 external memory 的差别


Performance Benchmarks


The full benefit of optimized code can be achieved if the data is not partitioned into small buffers and if at least ping, pong, pang, and peng buffers are in internal memory. The performance of 777 cycles per edge point (or 39 cycles per pixel, assuming 5% of pixels are edge points) has been achieved, with input and output data in external memory and ping, pong, pang, and peng buffers in internal memory. The number of edge points in this measurement was 3840 (5% of 320x240 image), while the size of the Hough Space in this measurement was 267x267.


但是我没有看到full benefit of optimized的结果是什么,请问使用internal memory和external memory的区别有多大?如何将数组分别开辟在internal memory和external memory?  仿真的时候,是否也有能测试internal memory和external memory的区别?  多谢了!

  • Zhang Hui,

    请问你使用的是C66的DSP? DSP核访问内部memory的速度要不外部memory要快。

  • Chris Meng,谢谢!


    ccs 仿真的时候,是不是都是使用的内部memory? 


  • Zhang Hui,


  • Chris Meng:

    我说的意思是 仅在ccs中选择simulatou,不连接开发板,看来这种情况是无法测试外部存储器。

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