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从16bit的NOR FLASH启动,同时支持24bit的TFT屏可能么?

如题,如果用AM335x设计产品,可否做到从16bit的NOR FLASH启动,同时支持24bit的TFT屏可能么?因为AM335x的GPMC和LCDC有些引脚是复用的,这样是不是无法实现这个要求呢?好像TI的EVM板在WIKI上有这样一段:

NOR Flash Memory

The GP daughterboard has flash memory which is a NOR type of flash so that the AM335x's access to/from NOR flash function can be tested. The part number of the memory used is Numonyx pn#M29W128GL which is a 16MB (x16 width) flash memory. The GPMC signals are used to communicate with this memory. The GPMC signals are muxed with other signals in AM335x. Also, several other devices connect to the GPMC signals on the baseboard and the daughterboard. boot from NoR is currently not supported on EVM.

说无法从NOR FLASH引导启动。那要做代码固化怎么办,只能用NAND FLASH么?总不能固化在SD卡里吧?

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