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PCIE 配置管脚的信号来源?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCE62005

大家好 问一下 PCIE 配置管脚PCIESSEN、PCIESSMODE0、PCIESSMODE1这三个信号的驱动源和工作模式有没有关系(Root Complex (RC) and End Point (EP))?

是在板子上直接接上下拉电阻 还是被对方PCIE驱动?

  • 我的PCIE准备工作在Root Complex (RC)模式 和我对接的工作在End Point (EP)
    那么End Point (EP)端的时钟是否需要我这边提供 且和我的同源?PCIe设备的复位是否也是我这边提供?
  • PCIESSEN、PCIESSMODE0、PCIESSMODE1这三个信号的驱动源和工作模式有关系。上电后,会采样这三个管脚的电平值决定是哪种工作模式,并会保存到DEVSTAT寄存器。后续可以通过修改DEVSTAT的值来改变工作模式。
  • 我的PCIE准备工作在Root Complex (RC)模式 和我对接的工作在End Point (EP)
    那么End Point (EP)端的时钟是否需要我这边提供 且和我的同源?PCIe设备的复位是否也是我这边提供?还需要哪些信号给EP端?
  • 如果使用背板设计的话,要求RC和EP都同源。如果不是的话,没要求一定要同源。

    Note that a common clock for a PCI express root complex and endpoint are not required unless a spread-spectrum clock is used. If a spread-spectrum clock is used by one device at the far end of a PCI express link, the same clock must be used as a reference by the KeyStone I device.


    Many PCIe connections, especially backplane connections, require a synchronous reference clock between the two link partners. To achieve this a common clock source, referred to as REFCLK in the PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification, should be used by both ends of the PCIe link. If Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC) is used it is required that a common reference clock be used by the link partners. Most commercially available platforms with PCIe backplanes use Spread Spectrum Clocking to reduce EMI.
  • 你好 我的理解是如果采用背板设计 为了减少EMI End Point (EP)端一般使用扩频时钟 那我的Root Complex (RC)端必须使用同源时钟。
    扩频时钟还不太了解 大概就是会减少EMI
    如果我的RC端采用晶振振荡器+2305时钟分配器 分别给RC端 EP端是否可行???
  • 建议到时钟论坛咨询一下。