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Hi, TIers,
基于TIDL demo model pelee && host emulation, 采用如下配置进行定点模式numParamBits=8的import and inference,能够得到正确的检测结果,但改为浮点模式 numParamBits=32 import and inference, 没有检测到目标,结果为全0. 配置如下(1)(2), 另外,浮点模式import有一个warning 如(3).
(1) import config file
modelType = 0
numParamBits = 8
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/peele/pelee_voc/deploy.prototxt"
inputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/peele/pelee_voc/pelee_304x304_acc7094.caffemodel"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_peele_300.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_peele_300_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 104 117 123
inScale = 0.0170000009239 0.0170000009239 0.0170000009239
inDataFormat = 0
inData = "../../test/testvecs/config/detection_list.txt"
postProcType = 2
perfSimConfig = ../../test/testvecs/config/import/device_config.cfg
inWidth = 1024
inHeight = 512
inNumChannels = 3
foldMaxPoolInConv2D = 0
foldPreBnConv2D = 0
(2) inference config file
inFileFormat = 2
postProcType = 2
#numFrames = 272
numFrames = 1
netBinFile = "testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_peele_300.bin"
ioConfigFile = "testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_peele_300_1.bin"
outData = "testvecs/output/pelee.bin"
inData = "testvecs/config/detection_list.txt"
debugTraceLevel = 2
writeTraceLevel = 1
reservedCtrl = 2
(3) warning in float mode import
WARNING: [TIDL_E_DATAFLOW_INFO_NULL] ti_cnnperfsim.out fails to allocate memory in MSMC. Please look into perfsim log. This model can only be used on PC emulation, it will get fault on target.
Thanks for your help, Cherry.
Maybe I found some clues from source code.
We have forwarded your info to the expert, and will get back to you soon. Thanks.
We fixed one bug which seems related to this issue in SDK 8.2. Can you try this network with the same?
Thanks and regards,