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2 Direct Boot Examples (without IBL)
The TI C66xx EVMs always implement an Intermediate bootloader after power on reset. The FPGA firmware on the EVM redirects the core to the IBL flashed on the EEPROM and then directs it to the desired boot mode. However, in custom designs, it has been observed that adding an additional EEPROM for implementing the IBL may not be practical due to cost and size reasons. The C667x PG 2.0 silicon has the PLL lock up issue fixed and no longer requires an implementation of an IBL on custom boards; the C665x PG 1.0 silicon does not have the PLL lock up issue, so it also does not require an implementation of an IBL on custom boards. In order to demonstrate that the hardware can be booted directly from the ROM bootloader without the IBL, some examples were created that can be used to validate this flow on the EVM hardware. The two examples described below are for SPI boot on C6678 and NAND boot on C6657. Each of the examples have a ReadMe.txt or document that walks users through the processing of creating these boot images.
• C6678 EVM SPI boot example
• C6657 EVM SPI boot example with DDR initialization
• C6657 EVM NAND boot example