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文档中提供的超级链接 • C6678 EVM SPI boot example 已经过期 能否提供最新的链接找到 这个源码谢谢?
2 Direct Boot Examples (without IBL)
The TI C66xx EVMs always implement an Intermediate bootloader after power on reset. The FPGA firmware on the EVM redirects the core to the IBL flashed on the EEPROM and then directs it to the desired boot mode. However, in custom designs, it has been observed that adding an additional EEPROM for implementing the IBL may not be practical due to cost and size reasons. The C667x PG 2.0 silicon has the PLL lock up issue fixed and no longer requires an implementation of an IBL on custom boards; the C665x PG 1.0 silicon does not have the PLL lock up issue, so it also does not require an implementation of an IBL on custom boards. In order to demonstrate that the hardware can be booted directly from the ROM bootloader without the IBL, some examples were created that can be used to validate this flow on the EVM hardware. The two examples described below are for SPI boot on C6678 and NAND boot on C6657. Each of the examples have a ReadMe.txt or document that walks users through the processing of creating these boot images.
• C6678 EVM SPI boot example
• C6657 EVM SPI boot example with DDR initialization
• C6657 EVM NAND boot example
0x1087fffc地址是函数入口地址 0x0080000
KeyStone Architecture DSP Bootloader 手册中的3.9.2章
3.9.2 RBL Loading Process Similar to the PCIe boot mode, the RBL has no role in transferring the boot image into the device. The host is responsible to load the code in the appropriate memory location and also populate the boot magic address with the c_int00 address. The host must also interrupt CorePac0 and bring it out of IDLE.
我现在的项目是 bootmagicaddr正确 各段数据也拷贝正确 ,但是核0无法唤醒 ;按照文档的意思是需要主机去唤醒核0;那么怎么唤醒核0呢?
2.修改了时序,上电还是重复读0地址,修改boot parameter table 为小端模式,数据有序读取到l2内存
4.发现准备好数据后,0核还是跳转不过去,而且挂仿真器,pc跑道DDR内无效地址处,这是什么原因。是需要硬件复位吗,还是其他寄存器标志操作。回到第2点,官方手册提到,RBL只支持大端模式,于是,bootloader的bin转化大端,再添加小端的boot parameter table生成的.bin烧写到flash.串口有打印,成功引导。